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Create single electrochemical battery cell

Since R2024a


Use the batteryCell function to construct a battery object that represents a single electrochemical cell. For more information about the Cell object and its properties, see Cell (object).

cell = batteryCell creates a single battery cell with default values. The object is linked to the Battery (Table-Based) block.

cell = batteryCell(Geometry) sets the Geometry property to create a single battery cell with a specific geometry.


cell = batteryCell(Geometry,CellModelOptions) sets the Geometry and CellModelOptions properties to create a single battery cell with specific geometry and conditional parameters.

cell = batteryCell(___,Name=Value) specifies the cell properties using one or more name-value arguments. Specify the name-value arguments after all the arguments in any of the previous syntaxes. For a list of properties, see the Properties section of the Cell object.

For example, cell = batteryCell(Mass=simscape.Value(1,"kg")) creates a default battery cell with a mass of 1 kg.


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Create a Cell object with a cylindrical geometry and set the preferential stacking direction for the arrangement of the battery cells on the X axis.

geometry = batteryCylindricalGeometry
cell = batteryCell(geometry,StackingAxis="X")

Double the radius of the cell.

cell.Geometry.Radius = 2*cell.Geometry.Radius

Modify the position of the cell.

cell.Position = [1 1 1]

Visualize the cell by using a BatteryChart object.

cellChart = batteryChart(cell)

Create a Cell object with a cylindrical geometry.

geometry = batteryCylindricalGeometry
cell = batteryCell(geometry)

Choose the parameterization for the cell. Set the ParameterizationManufacturer and ParameterizationPartNumber properties.

cell.ParameterizationManufacturer = "A123";
cell.ParameterizationPartNumber = "ALM12V7";

Apply the parameterization data by using the applyCellDataFromPart function.

cell = cell.applyCellDataFromPart;

Input Arguments

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Set of cell geometrical parameters associated with a specific cell format, specified as a CylindricalGeometry object, a PouchGeometry object, or a PrismaticGeometry object.

Conditional parameters of the cell component model block used for simulation, specified as a CellModelBlock object. By default, the cell component model block is the Battery (Table-Based) block. You can also use your own cell component model block by specifying the CellModelBlockPath property of the CellModelBlock object accordingly.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: batteryCell(Mass=simscape.Value(1,"kg"))


The properties listed here are only a subset. For a complete list, see the Properties section of the Cell object.

Mass of the battery cell, specified as a simscape.Value object that represents a scalar with the specified unit of measure. The value of this property must be strictly positive and lower than 100 kg.

If you set this property directly with a positive scalar value instead of using a simscape.Value object, the object converts the value to a simscape.Value object with kg as its physical unit.

Since R2023a

Capacity of the battery cell, specified as a simscape.Value object that represents a scalar with a unit of ampere-hour. The value of this property must be strictly positive. This value is not carried over into the generated battery model.

If you set this property directly with a positive scalar value instead of using a simscape.Value object, the object converts the value to a simscape.Value object with A*hr as its physical unit.

Since R2023a

Energy of the battery cell, specified as a simscape.Value object that represents a scalar with the specified unit of measure. The value of this property must be strictly positive. This value is not carried over into the generated battery model.

If you set this property directly with a positive scalar value instead of using a simscape.Value object, the object converts the value to a simscape.Value object with W*hr as its physical unit.

Location of the battery cell in a 3-D Cartesian coordinate system, specified as a vector of real and finite entries. When you link the Cell object to a parent battery object, such as a ParallelAssembly object, the parent object overwrites this position.

Preferential stacking direction for the arrangement of battery cells in a 2-D Cartesian coordinate system, specified as "X" or "Y".

This figure shows the global coordinate system for batteries.

Name of the battery cell, specified as a string.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

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