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Work with Basic Signal Data

Create Signals and Signal Data

In the Signal Editor tab, create signal data either from existing model data (scenarios) or start with an empty scenario. By default, Signal Editor creates data in timeseries format. To a scenario, add signals and data by:

After inserting the signal, view, plot, and edit the data by double-clicking . The plot opens.

If the data does not plot as expected, use the Fit to window button in the Zoom & Pan section. For multidimensional signals, also make sure that you have the right plot selected for the column data you are editing.

Explore the plots using the Measure and Zoom & Pan sections on the toolbar.

  • In the Measure section, use the Data Cursors button to display one or two cursors for the plot. These cursors display the T and Y values of a data point in the plot. To view a data point, click a point on the plot line.

  • In the Zoom & Pan section, select how you want to zoom and pan the signal plots. Zooming is only for the selected axis.

Work with Basic Signal Data in Tabular Editor

To add and edit basic signal data, select a signal and double-click the associated hide/show icon. The Edit tab opens with a plot of the signal. Each data point in the signal is demarcated with a circle (marker), which you can toggle off and on through the context menu Show > Toggle Markers option. Each signal has a tabular data editor.

Plot for time 0 to 10 and data 0

  • To insert or delete a data row for a signal, use Insert row icon or Delete row icon, respectively.

  • To change the data type for signal data, select the type from the list.

    List of data types for Signal

  • To change the time or data for each signal, edit the associated column of the data row, then click anywhere in the canvas to update the plot of the signal. You may need to click Fit to View in the toolstrip to adjust the plot axes.

    Plot for time 0 to 10 and data 100 to 0


    If the data is fixed-point data, pausing on the data in the table displays a summary of the data

    • Ideal Value — Requested value

    • Fixed-Point Value — Value resulting from casting the ideal value as a fixed-point value

    • Absolute Error — Absolute error of value

    • Relative Error — Difference between cast value and the original value

    • Additional error information, such as whether the error is an overflow or underflow

  • To change the size of a section in Signal Editor, drag the separator.

  • To evaluate MATLAB® expressions in table cells, type the expressions in a table cell:

    • The expression must be a valid MATLAB syntax.

    • The result of the syntax must be a scalar value.

    • The result of the syntax must a valid value based on the signal properties such as data type and complexity.

    Expressions can access variables in the base workspace. If an expression does not satisfy these guidelines, Simulink® software reverts the cell entry to the original value. When you start the Signal Editor interface launched from a Signal Editor block, expressions can contain variables from the model workspace or data dictionary. When you start the Signal Editor interface separately from the block, you must provide the model parameter to access variables from the model workspace, data dictionary, or MAT-files that are attached to the model.

  • To create multidimensional signals, use one of these methods. For more information, see Add and Edit Multidimensional Signals.

    • In the Default Properties for Insertion dialog box, enter a dimension greater than 1 in the Dimensions parameter.

    • In the Author and Insert dialog box, enter a MATLAB expression that creates multidimensional signals in the Data parameter

  • You can navigate through the Signal Editor user interface data tabular area using the Tab and Shift+Tab keyboard shortcuts.

    1. In the Signal Editor tabular area, enter the cell edit mode of the tabular area by using one of these options:

      1. Double-click a table cell.

      2. Pres the Enter key.

      When cell edit mode is enabled, the resulting cell is white and outlined in blue.

      Signal Editor enabled cell

    2. To navigate forward through the table, press Tab.

    3. To navigate backward through the table, press Shift+Tab.

Instead of using the tabular editor to define signal data, you can use MATLAB expressions.

See Also



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