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Generate Simulink Design Verifier report


[status, reportFilePath] = sldvreport(sldvDataFile) generates a complete HTML report from the data in sldvDataFile. If sldvreport creates the report, status returns true. reportFilePath contains the actual name of the HTML report.

[status, reportFilePath] = sldvreport(sldvDataFile, options) generates a complete HTML report from the data in sldvDataFile based on the specified options. options is a cell array.

[status, reportFilePath] = sldvreport(sldvDataFile, options, reportFilePath) generates a complete HTML report from the data in sldvDataFile based on the specified options and saves it in the location reportFilePath.

[status, reportFilePath] = sldvreport(sldvDataFile, options, reportFilePath, showUI) generates a complete HTML report from the data in sldvDataFile based on the specified options and saves it in the location reportFilePath. If showUI is true, the software displays the status of the report generation in the user interface.

[status, reportFilePath] = sldvreport(sldvDataFile, options, reportFilePath, showUI, FORMAT) generates a complete report in the specified FORMAT from the data in sldvDataFile based on the specified options and saves it in the location reportFilePath. If showUI is true, the software displays the status of the report generation in UI.


[status, reportFilePath] = sldvreport(sldvDataFile, options, reportFilePath, showUI, FORMAT, filterFiles) generates a complete report in the specified FORMAT by applying the justification rules specified in the analysis filter files filterFiles and the data in sldvDataFile.


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Analyze the model and create a PDF of the Simulink® Design Verifier™ analysis report by using sldvreport.

Open the sldvdemo_cruise_control example model.

'supportingFile', 'sldvdemo_cruise_control');

Set the sldvoptions and create a PDF version of the analysis results.

opts = sldvoptions;                      
opts.Mode = 'TestGeneration';           
opts.SaveReport = 'off';                                        
[status, files ] = sldvrun('sldvdemo_cruise_control', opts); 
[status, reportFilePath] = sldvreport(files.DataFile, ...
 {'summary','objectives'}, 'C:\work\sldvdemo_cruise_control_report', false, 'PDF');

Input Arguments

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Name of the data file that contains the analysis results.

The path and the file name for the generated report.

Logical value indicating where to display messages during analysis.

true to display messages in the log window.
false (default) to display messages in the MATLAB® Command Window.

Entry indicating whether to generate the report in HTML, PDF, or both.

'HTML' (default) to generate an HTML format of the report.
'PDF' to generate a PDF version of the report.
{'HTML', 'PDF'} to generate HTML and PDF formats of the report.

This parameter is case sensitive. Use only capital letters for this parameter.

Name of the analysis filter file that contains the justification rules.

Example: 'sldvdemo_design_error_detection_sldv_filter.cvf', 'sldvdemo_design_error_detection_sldv_filter.cvf; sldvdemo_design_error_detection_sldv_filter1.cvf', {'sldvdemo_design_error_detection_sldv_filter.cvf', 'sldvdemo_design_error_detection_sldv_filter1.cvf'}

Cell array that specifies these options for the report.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'Description','My new description.'

Include summary of analysis data only (Default: false)

Include test objective data (Default: true)

Include data about all model objects (Default: true)

Include data about all generated test cases (Default: true)

Include data about all properties that are proven or are falsified (Default: true)

Output Arguments

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If the operation creates the analysis report, sldvreport returns a status of true. Otherwise, it returns false.

The path and the file name for the generated HTML report.


Simulink Design Verifier software creates an HTML report after analyzing a model. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, in the Design Verifier > Report pane, select Generate report of the results. If you want to save a PDF of the report, select Generate additional report in PDF format.

Version History

Introduced in R2009b

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