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Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching)

Half-bridge with ideal switches and thermal port

Since R2021b

Simscape / Electrical / Semiconductors & Converters


The Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block models a half-bridge with ideal switches and a thermal port. To choose the ideal switching device, set the Switching device parameter to MOSFET, IGBT, or GTO.

You can specify an integral protection diode for each switching device. An integral diode protects the semiconductor device by providing a conduction path for a reverse current. An inductive load can produce a high reverse-voltage spike when the semiconductor device suddenly switches off the voltage supply to the load.


The best option is to model diodes internally within the Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block. To model the diodes externally, model them without capacitance or charge.

Switching Losses

For information about how the block models turn-on and turn-off losses, see the documentation page for the MOSFET (Ideal, Switching) block, IGBT (Ideal, Switching) block, or GTO block, depending on the option you select for the Switching Device parameter. The main difference between how these blocks and the Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block model the losses is that, for the MOSFET and IGBT options, the Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block does not use the Use last on-state current from previous cycle for turn-on loss or Use last off-state voltage from previous cycle for turn-off loss parameters. The reason for this difference is that the Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block does not model diode capacitance or lead inductance because the block is designed for fast simulation using ideal switching. By modeling both switching devices in one block, you avoid the complexities associated with measuring the on-state current and off-state voltage for diode reverse recovery, so you do not need a physics-based diode charge model. The block measures the diode forward current and off-state voltages at the point that you command the complementary switching device to switch off.

By default, the block applies switching losses to the thermal node only, stepping the node temperature up by the requisite value. To draw the requisite power due to switching losses from the electrical supply, select the Apply switching losses to electrical supply parameter.

Instantaneously applying a switching loss to the electrical supply is not mathematically possible, so the block applies switching losses over a period equal to the value you specify for the Averaging period for switching losses parameter. Set this value equal to the pulse-width modulation (PWM) period of the gate driver.


For all ideal switching devices, the logged simulation data reports the thermal losses as lastTurnOffLoss, lastTurnOnLoss, and lastReverseRecoveryLoss. These variables include losses as a pulse with an amplitude equal to the energy loss. If you use a script to sum the total losses over a defined simulation period, you must sum the pulse values at each pulse rising edge. Alternatively, you can extract conduction and switching losses from logged data using the ee_getPowerLossSummary and ee_getPowerLossTimeSeries functions. To learn how to log and plot simulation data, see the Log and Plot Simulation Data example.

You can also access the total accumulated switching losses for each of the two switching devices from the respective accumulatedSwitchingLosses variables in the logged simulation data. These variables sum all switching losses to date, including reverse recovery losses for the diode.

The power_dissipated variable in the logged simulation data does not include switching losses because the block models these losses as instantaneous events. The power_dissipated variable reports ohmic on-state losses.

If you are using a fixed-step solver, the shortest pulse on or pulse off that supports capture of the switching losses is three time steps long. If the pulse is shorter than three steps, the block does not report switching losses.

If you use tabulated data to model the switching losses or reverse recovery losses, check that the temperature, current, and voltage are in the range you specify. If you do not define a realistic thermal model, for example, if the junction mass or the conductance from the junction to the case is too small, the temperature can exceed the range you specify, causing the block to extrapolate the losses to nonphysical values.


The Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block supports multiple predefined parameterizations.

Use this parameterization data to represent components by specific suppliers. The parameterizations of these half-bridges match the manufacturer data sheets. To load a predefined parameterization, double-click the Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block, click the <click to select> hyperlink of the Selected part parameter, and, in the Block Parameterization Manager window, select the part you want to use from the list of available components.


The predefined parameterizations of Simscape™ components use available data sources for the parameter values. Engineering judgement and simplifying assumptions are used to fill in for missing data. As a result, expect deviations between simulated and actual physical behavior. To ensure accuracy, validate the simulated behavior against experimental data and refine component models as necessary.

For more information about predefined parameterization and a list of the available components, see List of Pre-Parameterized Components.

You can also use the ee_importDeviceParameters function to extract the device parameters for the switching device and integral protection diode from XML files and import them into the block. The XML file must be on the MATLAB® path and must use a parameterization format supported by Hitachi or Infineon®.

Thermal Port

Use the thermal port to simulate the effects of generated heat and device temperature. For more information on using thermal ports and the Thermal Port parameters, see Simulating Thermal Effects in Semiconductors.

You can also separate the thermal port H into two different thermal ports associated with the upper and lower switching devices, respectively, by selecting the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter. If you separate the thermal ports for the upper and lower devices, you can then also separate the thermal ports for the integral diodes of each switching device by selecting the Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameter. The upper and lower switching devices share the same thermal parameters. (since R2024a)

This figure shows the block icon when you expose all the thermal ports:


To set the priority and initial target values for the block variables before simulation, use the Initial Targets section in the block dialog box or Property Inspector. For more information, see Set Priority and Initial Target for Block Variables.

Use nominal values to specify the expected magnitude of a variable in a model. Using system scaling based on nominal values increases the simulation robustness. Nominal values can come from different sources. One of these sources is the Nominal Values section in the block dialog box or Property Inspector. For more information, see System Scaling by Nominal Values.



  • If you set the Switching device parameter to GTO, the block assumes that the current change in the load between PWM cycles is small. This assumption implies that the load inductance or the switching frequency is large enough to smooth the current.

  • If you select the Apply switching losses to electrical supply parameter, you must connect a power supply to the half-bridge. For example, you must clear the Apply switching losses to electrical supply parameter if your model has a switch that can disconnect one or both of the power supply connections. You can also encounter numerical initialization issues if the power supply does not initialize in the on state, for example, because of a smoothing capacitor that starts at zero charge.



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Physical signal conserving port associated with the gate terminals of the two switching devices, specified as a vector of two physical signals.

The first element of the vector controls the upper side switch. The second element of the vector controls the lower side switch. If, in the Diode settings, you set the Integral protection diode parameter to Yes, the first and second element of the vector also controls the lower and upper diode, respectively.


To enable this port, set Gate-control port to PS.


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Electrical conserving port associated with the positive terminal.

Electrical conserving port associated with the negative terminal.

Electrical conserving port associated with the output node.

Electrical conserving port associated with the gate terminal for the first switching device.


To enable this port, set Gate-control port to Electrical.

Electrical conserving port associated with the gate terminal for the second switching device.


To enable this port, set Gate-control port to Electrical.

Thermal conserving port.


To enable this port, clear the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices and Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameters.

Since R2024a

Thermal conserving port associated with the upper switching device.


To enable this port, select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

Since R2024a

Thermal conserving port associated with the lower switching device.


To enable this port, select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

Since R2024a

Thermal conserving port associated with the upper diode.


To enable this port, select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices and Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameters.

Since R2024a

Thermal conserving port associated with the lower diode.


To enable this port, select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices and Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameters.


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The visibility of the Main parameters depends on the Switching device and On-state behavior and losses parameters. To learn how to read this table, see Parameter Dependencies.

Main Parameter Dependencies

Parameters and Options
Gate-control port
Switching Device
Threshold voltage, VthThreshold voltage, VthGate trigger voltage, Vgt
Gate turn-off voltage, Vgt_off
Holding current
On-state behavior and lossesOn-state behavior and lossesOn-state behavior and losses
Specify constant valuesTabulateSpecify constant valuesTabulateSpecify constant valuesTabulate
Drain-source on resistance, R_DS(on)On-state voltage, Vds(Tj,Ids)Forward voltage, VfOn-state voltage, Vds(Tj,Ice)Forward voltage, VfOn-state voltage, Vak(Tj,Iak)
Temperature vector, TjOn-state resistanceTemperature vector, TjOn-state resistanceTemperature vector, Tj
Drain-source current vector, IdsCollector-emitter current vector, IceAnode-cathode current vector, Iak
Off-state conductance

Option to use the physical signal input port G or the electrical conserving ports G1 and G2 as the gate control ports.

Switching device for the half-bridge.

Threshold voltage at which the device turns on. The default value depends on the Switching device setting.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Gate-cathode voltage threshold. The device turns on when the gate-cathode voltage is above this value.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Gate-cathode voltage threshold. The device turns off when the gate-cathode voltage is below this value.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Current threshold. The device stays on when the current is above this value, even when the gate-cathode voltage falls below the gate trigger voltage.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Parameterization method for on-state behavior and switching losses, specified as one of these values:

  • Specify constant values — Use scalar values to specify the output current, switch-on loss, and switch-off loss data. The block assumes that the energy dissipated during a single switch-on or switch-off event scales linearly with the off-state voltage and on-state current. The block also assumes that the losses are independent of temperature.

  • Tabulate — Use vectors to specify the output current and temperature data. Use arrays to specify the switch-on loss and switch-off loss data.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Drain-source resistance when the device is on.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Voltage drop across the device in a triggered conductive state. This parameter is a function of temperature and final on-state output current.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Drain-source currents at which you quote the on-state voltage. The sign of the drain-source current must be the same as the sign of the corresponding drain-source voltage. If the drain-source voltage is zero, the corresponding drain-source current must also be zero.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Minimum voltage required across the collector and emitter or anode and cathode block ports for the gradient of the diode I-V characteristic to be 1/Ron, where Ron is the value of the On-state resistance parameter.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Collector-emitter resistance when the device is on.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Voltage drop across the device in a triggered conductive state. This parameter is a function of temperature and final on-state output current.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Collector-emitter currents at which you quote the on-state voltage. The sign of the collector-emitter current must be the same as the sign of the corresponding collector-emitter voltage. If the collector-emitter voltage is zero, the corresponding collector-emitter current must also be zero.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Voltage drop across the device in a triggered conductive state. This parameter is a function of temperature and final on-state output current.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Anode-cathode currents at which you quote the on-state voltage. The sign of the anode-cathode current must be the same as the sign of the corresponding anode-cathode voltage. If the anode-cathode voltage is zero, the corresponding anode-cathode current must also be zero.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Temperature values at which you quote the on-state voltage.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.

Conductance when the device is off. The value must be less than 1/R, where R is the value of the On-state resistance parameter.


See the Main Parameter Dependencies table.


Energy dissipated during a single switch-on event.


To enable this parameter, set On-state behavior and losses to Specify constant values.

Energy dissipated during a single switch-off event.


To enable this parameter, set Switching device to MOSFET or IGBT and set On-state behavior and losses to Specify constant values.

Energy dissipated during a diode-reverse recovery event.


To enable this parameter, set On-state behavior and losses to Specify constant values and set Integral protection diode to Yes.

Output current at which you quote the switch-on loss, switch-off loss, and on-state voltage.


To enable this parameter, set On-state behavior and losses to Specify constant values.

Output voltage when the device is off. This value is the blocking voltage at which you quote the losses. If you specify switching losses as scalar values or as a function of the junction temperature and on-state current at a fixed off-state voltage, the block uses this value to calculate switching losses. If you set Integral protection diode to Yes, the block uses this value to calculate diode reverse recovery loss.


To enable this parameter, choose one of these options:

  • Set Integral protection diode to Yes.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Specify constant values.

  • Set Switching device to MOSFET, set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate, and clear the Include switching loss tabulation with off-state Vds voltage parameter.

  • Set Switching device to IGBT, set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate, and clear the Include switching loss tabulation with off-state voltage parameter.

  • Set Switching device to GTO.

Since R2023b

Option to apply the switching losses to the electrical supply.

Clear this parameter to apply the switching losses to the thermal node only.

Select this parameter to apply the switching losses to the thermal node and the electrical supply.

Energy dissipated during a single switch-on event as a function of temperature and final on-state drain-source current.


To enable this parameter:

  • Set Switching device to MOSFET.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Clear the Include switching loss tabulation with off-state Vds voltage parameter.

Energy dissipated during a single switch-off event as a function of temperature and final on-state drain-source current.


To enable this parameter:

  • Set Switching device to MOSFET.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Clear the Include switching loss tabulation with off-state Vds voltage parameter.

Energy dissipated during a diode-reverse recovery event as a function of temperature and final on-state drain-source current.


To enable this parameter:

  • Set Switching device to MOSFET.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Set Integral protection diode to Yes.

Temperature values at which you quote the losses.


To enable this parameter, set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

Drain-source currents at which you quote the losses. The sign of the drain-source current must be the same as the sign of the corresponding drain-source voltage. If the drain-source voltage is zero, the corresponding drain-source current must also be zero.


To enable this parameter, set Switching device to MOSFET and set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

Since R2023b

Option to tabulate the switching losses with the off-state drain-source voltage.

Clear this parameter to tabulate the switch-on loss and switch-off loss with the on-state drain-source current and temperature. The block assumes that the losses scale linearly with the off-state drain-source voltage.

Select this parameter to tabulate the switch-on loss and switch-off loss with the temperature, on-state drain-source current, and off-state drain-source voltage.


To enable this parameter, set Switching device to MOSFET and set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

Since R2023b

Energy dissipated during a single switch-on event as a function of temperature, on-state drain-source current, and off-state drain-source voltage.


To enable this parameter:

  • Set Switching device to MOSFET.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Select the Include switching loss tabulation with off-state Vds voltage parameter.

Since R2023b

Energy dissipated during a single switch-off event as a function of temperature, on-state drain-source current, and off-state drain-source voltage.


To enable this parameter:

  • Set Switching device to MOSFET.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Select the Include switching loss tabulation with off-state Vds voltage parameter.

Energy dissipated during a single switch-on event as a function of temperature and final on-state collector-emitter current.


To enable this parameter:

  • Set Switching device to IGBT.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Clear the Include switching loss tabulation with off-state voltage parameter.

Energy dissipated during a single switch-off event as a function of temperature and final on-state collector-emitter current.


To enable this parameter:

  • Set Switching device to IGBT.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Clear the Include switching loss tabulation with off-state voltage parameter.

Energy dissipated during a diode-reverse recovery event as a function of temperature and final on-state collector-emitter current.


To enable this parameter:

  • Set Switching device to IGBT.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Set Integral protection diode to Yes.

Collector-emitter currents at which you quote the losses. The sign of the collector-emitter current must be the same as the sign of the corresponding collector-emitter voltage. If the collector-emitter voltage is zero, the corresponding collector-emitter current must also be zero.


To enable this parameter, set Switching device to IGBT and set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

Since R2023b

Option to tabulate the switching losses with the off-state voltage.

Clear this parameter to tabulate the switch-on loss and switch-off loss with the on-state collector-emitter current and temperature. The block assumes that the losses scale linearly with the off-state voltage.

Select this parameter to tabulate the switch-on loss and switch-off loss with the temperature, on-state collector-emitter current, and off-state voltage.


To enable this parameter, set Switching device to IGBT and set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

Since R2023b

Energy dissipated during a single switch-on event as a function of temperature, on-state collector-emitter current, and off-state collector-emitter voltage.


  • Set Switching device to IGBT.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Select the Include switching loss tabulation with off-state voltage parameter.

Since R2023b

Energy dissipated during a single switch-off event as a function of temperature, on-state collector-emitter current, and off-state collector-emitter voltage.


To enable this parameter:

  • Set Switching device to IGBT.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Select the Include switching loss tabulation with off-state voltage parameter.

Since R2023b

Off-state collector-emitter voltages at which you quote the switch-on loss and switch-off loss.


To enable this parameter:

  • Set Switching device to IGBT.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Select the Include switching loss tabulation with off-state voltage parameter.

Energy dissipated during a forced commutation switch-off event.


To enable this parameter, set Switching device to GTO and set On-state behavior and losses to Specify constant values.

Rectification loss that the block applies when the device switches off because the current falls below the value of the Holding current parameter.


To enable this parameter, set Switching device to GTO.

Energy dissipated during a single switch-on event as a function of temperature and final on-state anode-cathode current.


To enable this parameter, set Switching device to GTO and set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

Energy dissipated during a single switch-off event as function of temperature and final on-state anode-cathode current.


To enable this parameter, set Switching device to GTO and set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

Energy dissipated during a diode-reverse recovery event as a function of temperature and final on-state anode-cathode current.


To enable this parameter:

  • Set Switching device to GTO.

  • Set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

  • Set Integral protection diode to Yes.

Anode-cathode currents at which you quote the losses. The sign of the anode-cathode current must be the same as the sign of the corresponding anode-cathode voltage. If the anode-cathode voltage is zero, the corresponding anode-cathode current must also be zero.


To enable this parameter, set Switching device to GTO and set On-state behavior and losses to Tabulate.

Since R2023b

Duration over which the block applies the switching losses to the electrical supply.


To enable this parameter, select the Apply switching losses to electrical supply parameter.

Integral Diode

Whether to model the block integral protection diode.

Diode model, specified as either:

  • Piecewise Linear — Use a piecewise linear model for the diode, as described in Piecewise Linear Diode.

  • Tabulated I-V curve — Use tabulated forward bias I-V data and fixed reverse bias off conductance.


To enable this parameter, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

Minimum voltage required across the + and - block ports for the gradient of the diode I-V characteristic to be 1/Ron, where Ron is the value of the On resistance parameter.


To enable this parameter, set Integral protection diode to Yes and Diode model to Piecewise linear.

Rate of change of the voltage versus the current above the value of the Forward voltage parameter.


To enable this parameter, set Integral protection diode to Yes and Diode model to Piecewise linear.

Conductance of the reverse-biased diode.


To enable this parameter, set Integral protection diode to Yes and either:

  • Diode model to Piecewise linear.

  • Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve and Reverse I-V characteristics type to Specify off conductacne.

Whether to tabulate the current as a function of temperature and voltage or the voltage as a function of temperature and current.


To enable this parameter, set Integral protection diode to Yes and Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

Since R2024a

Whether to specify the reverse I-V characteristics by using the diode off conductance or by tabulating the current as a function of temperature and voltage or the voltage as a function of temperature and current.


To enable this parameter, set Integral protection diode to Yes and Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

Forward currents. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (If(Tj,Vf) = 0A).


To enable this parameter, set Integral protection diode to Yes, Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve, and Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form.

Vector of junction temperatures. This parameter must be a vector of at least two elements.


To enable this parameter, set Integral protection diode to Yes, and Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

Vector of forward voltages. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vf = 0V).


To enable this parameter, set Integral protection diode to Yes, Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve, and Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form.

Forward voltages. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vf(Tj,If) = 0V).


To enable this parameter, set Integral protection diode to Yes, Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve, and Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form.

Vector of forward currents. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (If = 0A).


To enable this parameter, set Integral protection diode to Yes, Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve, and Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form.

Since R2024a

Reverse currents. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Ir(Tj,Vr) = 0A).


To enable this parameter, set:

  • Integral protection diode to Yes

  • Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve

  • Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form

  • Reverse I-V characteristics to Tabulate

Since R2024a

Vector of reverse voltages. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vr = 0V).


To enable this parameter, set:

  • Integral protection diode to Yes

  • Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve

  • Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form

  • Reverse I-V characteristics to Tabulate

Since R2024a

Reverse voltages. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vr(Tj,Ir) = 0V).


To enable this parameter, set:

  • Integral protection diode to Yes

  • Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve

  • Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form

  • Reverse I-V characteristics to Tabulate

Since R2024a

Vector of reverse currents. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Ir = 0A).


To enable this parameter, set:

  • Integral protection diode to Yes

  • Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve

  • Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form

  • Reverse I-V characteristics to Tabulate

Thermal Port

Use the thermal ports to simulate the effects of generated heat and device temperature. This block implements a single internal thermal model for both transistors and the two diodes. Any thermal model parameters, such as Cauer model parameters, apply to the aggregated thermal model.

Since R2024a

Whether to separate the thermal ports for the upper and lower devices.

Since R2024a

Whether to separate the thermal ports for the integral diodes of the upper and lower devices.


To enable this parameter, select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter and, in the Integral Diode section, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

Options for modeling the thermal network of the block.

Options to parameterize the thermal mass:

  • By thermal time constants — Parameterize the thermal masses in terms of thermal time constants.

  • By thermal mass — Specify the thermal mass values directly.

Row vector [ R_JC R_CA ] of two thermal resistance values, represented by two Conductive Heat Transfer blocks. The first value, R_JC, is the thermal resistance between the junction and the case. The second value, R_CA, is the thermal resistance between port H and the device case.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters.

Row vector [ t_J t_C ] of two thermal time constant values. The first value, t_J, is the junction time constant. The second value, t_C, is the case time constant.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters and Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal time constants.

Row vector [ M_J M_C ] of two thermal mass values. The first value, M_J, is the junction thermal mass. The second value, M_C, is the case thermal mass.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters and Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal mass.

Row vector [ T_J T_C ] of two temperature values. The first value, T_J, is the junction initial temperature. The second value, T_C, is the case initial temperature.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters.

Since R2024a

Row vector [ R_JC R_CA ] of two thermal resistance values, represented by two Conductive Heat Transfer blocks, for the integral protection diode. The first value, R_JC, is the thermal resistance between the junction and the case. The second value, R_CA, is the thermal resistance between port H and the diode case.


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Integral Diode section, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

  • In the Thermal Port section:

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameter.

    • Set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters.

Since R2024a

Row vector [ t_J t_C ] of two thermal time constant values for the integral protection diode. The first value, t_J, is the junction time constant. The second value, t_C, is the case time constant.


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Integral Diode section, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

  • In the Thermal Port section:

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameter.

    • Set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters.

    • Set Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal time constants.

Since R2024a

Row vector [ M_J M_C ] of two thermal mass values for the integral protection diode. The first value, M_J, is the junction thermal mass. The second value, M_C, is the case thermal mass.


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Integral Diode section, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

  • In the Thermal Port section:

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameter.

    • Set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters.

    • Set Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal mass.

Since R2024a

Row vector [ T_J T_C ] of two temperature values for the integral protection diode. The first value, T_J, is the junction initial temperature. The second value, T_C, is the case initial temperature.


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Integral Diode section, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

  • In the Thermal Port section:

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameter.

    • Set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters.

Row vector of n thermal resistance values, represented by the Cauer elements used in the thermal network.

If you set Thermal network to Cauer model, the default value is [.03, .1, .2]. If you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients, the default value is [.03, .2].


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Cauer model or Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients.

Row vector of n thermal time constant values, where n is the number of Cauer elements used in the thermal network. The length of this vector must match the length of Thermal resistances, [R1 R2 … Rn]. With this parameterization, the thermal masses are computed as Mi = ti/Ri, where Mi, ti and Ri are the thermal mass, thermal time, and thermal resistance for the ith Cauer element (if you set Thermal network to Cauer model) or Foster element (if you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients).

If you set Thermal network to Cauer model, the default value is [.1, 1, 5]. If you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients, the default value is [1, 10].


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Cauer model or Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficientsand Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal time constants.

Row vector of n thermal mass values, where n is the number of Cauer elements used in the thermal network.

If you set Thermal network to Cauer model, the default value is [3, 10, 25]. If you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients, the default value is [33, 50].


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Cauer model or Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients and Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal masses.

Row vector of temperature values that corresponds to the temperature drop across each thermal capacity in the model.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Cauer model.

Since R2024a

Row vector of n thermal resistance values for the integral protection diode, represented by the Cauer elements used in the thermal network.

If you set Thermal network to Cauer model, the default value is [.03, .1, .2]. If you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients, the default value is [.03, .2].


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Integral Diode section, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

  • In the Thermal Port section:

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameter.

    • Set Thermal network to Cauer model or Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients.

Since R2024a

Row vector of n thermal time constant values for the integral protection diode, where n is the number of Cauer elements used in the thermal network. The length of this vector must match the length of Diode thermal resistances, [R1 R2 … Rn]. With this parameterization, the thermal masses are computed as Mi = ti/Ri, where Mi, ti and Ri are the thermal mass, thermal time, and thermal resistance for the ith Cauer element (if you set Thermal network to Cauer model) or Foster element (if you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients).

If you set Thermal network to Cauer model, the default value is [.1, 1, 5]. If you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients, the default value is [1, 10].


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Integral Diode section, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

  • In the Thermal Port section:

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameter.

    • Set Thermal network to Cauer model or Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients.

    • Set Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal time constants.

Since R2024a

Row vector of n thermal mass values for the integral protection diode, where n is the number of Cauer elements used in the thermal network.

If you set Thermal network to Cauer model, the default value is [3, 10, 25]. If you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients, the default value is [33, 50].


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Integral Diode section, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

  • In the Thermal Port section:

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameter.

    • Set Thermal network to Cauer model or Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients.

    • Set Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal masses.

Since R2024a

Row vector of temperature values for the integral protection diode. This parameter corresponds to the temperature drop across each thermal capacity in the model.


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Integral Diode section, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

  • In the Thermal Port section:

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameter.

    • Set Thermal network to Cauer model.

Row vector of absolute temperature values of each node starting from the junction.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients.

Since R2024a

Row vector of absolute temperature values of each node starting from the integral protection diode junction.


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Integral Diode section, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

  • In the Thermal Port section:

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameter.

    • Set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients.

Thermal mass of the junction.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to External.

Since R2024a

Thermal mass of the diode junction.


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Integral Diode section, set Integral protection diode to Yes.

  • In the Thermal Port section:

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for upper and lower devices parameter.

    • Select the Separate thermal ports for integral diodes parameter.

    • Set Thermal network to External.

For more information about using thermal ports and for the other Thermal Port parameters, see Simulating Thermal Effects in Semiconductors.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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