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Best Practices for Using Complex Data in C Charts

Complex data is data whose value is a complex number. For example, in a Stateflow® chart in Simulink® model, an input signal with the value 3 + 5i is complex. See Complex Data in Stateflow Charts.

When you use complex data in Stateflow charts that use C as the action language, follow these best practices.

Perform Math Function Operations with a MATLAB Function

Math functions such as sin, cos, min, max, and abs do not work with complex data in C charts. However, you can use a MATLAB® function in your chart to perform math function operations on complex data.

A Simple Example

In the following chart, a MATLAB function calculates the absolute value of a complex number:

Chart that calls MATLAB function myabs with a complex operand, u.

The value of comp_num is 1+2i. Calculating the absolute value gives an answer of 2.2361.

How to Calculate Absolute Value

Suppose that you want to find the absolute value of a complex number. Follow these steps:

  1. Add a MATLAB function to your chart with this signature:

    y = myabs(u)
  2. Double-click the function box to open the editor.

  3. In the editor, enter the code below:

    function y = myabs(u)
    y = abs(u);

    The function myabs takes a complex input u and returns the absolute value as an output y.

  4. Configure the input argument u to accept complex values.

    1. Open the Model Explorer.

    2. In the Model Hierarchy pane of the Model Explorer, navigate to the MATLAB function myabs.

    3. In the Contents pane of the Model Explorer, right-click the input argument u and select Properties from the context menu.

    4. In the Data properties dialog box, select On in the Complexity field and click OK.

You cannot pass real values to function inputs of complex type. For details, see Rules for Using Complex Data in C Charts.

Perform Complex Division with a MATLAB Function

Division with complex operands is not available as a binary or assignment operation in C charts. However, you can use a MATLAB function in your chart to perform division on complex data.

A Simple Example

In the following chart, a MATLAB function performs division on two complex operands:

Chart that calls MATLAB function mydiv with two complex operands, u1 and u2.

The values of comp_num and comp_den are 1+2i and 3+4i, respectively. Dividing these values gives an answer of 0.44+0.08i.

How to Perform Complex Division

To divide two complex numbers:

  1. Add a MATLAB function to your chart with this function signature:

    y = mydiv(u1, u2)
  2. Double-click the function box to open the editor.

  3. In the editor, enter the code below:

    function y = mydiv(u1, u2)
    y = u1 / u2;

    The function mydiv takes two complex inputs, u1 and u2, and returns the complex quotient of the two numbers as an output y.

  4. Configure the input and output arguments to accept complex values.

    1. Open the Model Explorer.

    2. In the Model Hierarchy pane of the Model Explorer, navigate to the MATLAB function mydiv.

    3. For each input and output argument, follow these steps:

      1. In the Contents pane of the Model Explorer, right-click the argument and select Properties from the context menu.

      2. In the Data properties dialog box, select On in the Complexity field and click OK.

You cannot pass real values to function inputs of complex type. For details, see Rules for Using Complex Data in C Charts.

Rules for Using Complex Data in C Charts

Complex data is data whose value is a complex number. For example, in a Stateflow chart in Simulink model, an input signal with the value 3 + 5i is complex. See Complex Data in Stateflow Charts.

These rules apply when you use complex data in Stateflow charts that use C as the action language.

 Do not use complex number notation in actions

 Do not perform math function operations on complex data in C charts

 Mix complex and real operands only for addition, subtraction, and multiplication

 Do not define complex data with constant scope

 Do not define complex data with ml, struct, or boolean base type

 Use only real values to set initial values of complex data

 Do not enter minimum or maximum values for complex data

 Assign complex values only to data of complex type

 Do not pass real values to function inputs of complex type

 Do not use complex data with temporal logic operators

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