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Check if connection between two views is in view set

Since R2020a


tf = hasConnection(vSet,viewId1,viewId2) returns 1 (true), if the connection between views viewId1 and viewId2 is in the view set, vSet. The function returns 0 (false), if the connection does not exist in vSet.



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Create an empty point cloud view set.

vSet = pcviewset;

Add two views to the point cloud view set.

vSet = addView(vSet,1);
vSet = addView(vSet,2);

Add a connection to the point cloud view set.

vSet = addConnection(vSet,1,2);

Check if the connection is between views is in the point cloud view set.

tf = hasConnection(vSet,1,2)
tf = logical

Input Arguments

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Point cloud view set, specified as a pcviewset object.

View identifier 1, specified as an integer. View identifiers are unique to a specific view.

View identifier 2, specified as an integer. View identifiers are unique to a specific view.

Output Arguments

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True or false result indicating if the connection between views viewId1 and viewId2 exists in view set vSet, returned as a 1 or 0 data type logical.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

See Also


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