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Any idea to convert numerics to symbolic ?

1 view (last 30 days)
Stephan Moeller
Stephan Moeller on 2 Jun 2014
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
How can I convert an equation with the numeric coeffs to symbolic ?
example :
y= 2*exp(3*x)+log10(4*x+9)+10
so I get
y= a1*exp(a2*x)+log10(a3*x+a4)+a5

Answers (4)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser on 2 Jun 2014
I can think of string operations. But you need to find rules how to smartly cover situations where you don't want to replace a number with a variable like in x.^2.

Stephan Moeller
Stephan Moeller on 2 Jun 2014
yes, me too. But there isn't anything already available as a function ?
Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser on 2 Jun 2014
Don't think so. I never heard of such an operation. Instead of numerics to symbolic I would also rather call it "generalizing coefficients" or so. But exactly because if this difficulty to name it, it is also difficult to search for it. Lets see if more people reply.
Stephan Moeller
Stephan Moeller on 2 Jun 2014
Edited: Stephan Moeller on 2 Jun 2014
yeah, you're right ! Thanks :-)

pietro on 2 Jun 2014
You can use the symbolic toolbox. Here an example:
syms z,x
z=3*x; y=subs(z1,{3},{a})
With a workaround I think you can do what you need
Stephan Moeller
Stephan Moeller on 2 Jun 2014
I meant without explizit writing all numerics maunally.
pietro on 2 Jun 2014
Edited: pietro on 2 Jun 2014
you can write your formula in symbolic way, then using symvar you can get the symboli variables:
y=2*exp(3*x)+log10(4*x+9)+10 Then with symvar you can get the variables.
ans =
so you can get everything since operators and functions are known. After having got the numeric values, you can substitute them using subs
Hope this helps

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 2 Jun 2014
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 2 Jun 2014
x= 'a':'z';
z = '2*exp(3*x)+log10(4*x+9)+10';
dd = regexp(z,'(?<=[\(-*/+ ])\d*|\d*(?=[+*-/\)])','match');
out = regexprep(z,dd',cellstr(x(1:numel(dd))'));

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