Is there any difference between rand(n,1) and unifrnd(0, 1, n, 1)?

8 views (last 30 days)
Is there any difference between
unifrnd(0, 1, n, 1)?

Accepted Answer

Youssef  Khmou
Youssef Khmou on 18 Sep 2014
They both generate sample from uniform distribution, unifrnd offers a possibility to enter the parameters while with rand you need to adjust them, example of uniform distribution of interval [5,10] with size of 400 :
h2=5+5*rand(1,400); % same pdf
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 19 Sep 2014
I find no unifrnd in base MATLAB, yet no toolbox is listed above.

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More Answers (1)

Anne van Rossum
Anne van Rossum on 29 Jun 2016
There is less error checking in rand, which can be at times preferred... For example, if you need to generated random numbers between a and b, and it doesn't matter if a > b.
a = 5
b = -5
But you'll need to make sure a and b are properly ordered for unifrnd:
if (b < a)
[a, b] = deal(b, a);
Or else your result will be a vector of NaNs.

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