How should I make the system object variables global?

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Hi all
I am writing a program in Matlab mfiles that has to run a third party software, CoppeliaSim. I write it in Object Oriented Programming in Matlab. I defined a class in a file and call the functions from the main file. the problem is the command
Because I have to define it in the first functions VrepConnectorZMQ, but I need to call it again in the ApplyControl function to use it in every loop for each step. in this case , I get the error :
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
So what should I do? it looks like calling a method of a method is not possible in Matlab! Am I right?
How should I make the variable sim and client global?
classdef VrepConnectorZMQ
sim; %Similar to fd
client; %Used for server connection and server requests
robot_joints = [] %List of joint handles
%Integration step used for simulation
function obj = VrepConnectorZMQ()
addpath("C:\Program Files\CoppeliaRobotics\CoppeliaSimEdu\programming\zmqRemoteApi\clients\matlab")
javaaddpath('C:\Program Files\CoppeliaRobotics\CoppeliaSimEdu\programming\zmqRemoteApi\clients\matlab\jeromq.jar')
client = RemoteAPIClient();
obj.sim = client.getObject('sim'); %RemoteAPI object
for i = 1:7
obj.robot_joints(i) = obj.sim.getObject(strcat('/LBR_iiwa_14_R820_joint',int2str(i)));
for i = 1:7
obj.joint_pos(i) = obj.sim.getJointTargetPosition(obj.robot_joints(i));
% When simulation is not running, ZMQ message handling could be a bit
% slow, since the idle loop runs at 8 Hz by default. So let's make
% sure that the idle loop runs at full speed for this program:
% defaultIdleFps = sim.getInt32Param(sim.intparam_idle_fps);
% sim.setInt32Param(sim.intparam_idle_fps, 0);
function ApplyControl(obj, u,steptime)
startTime = obj.sim.getSimulationTime();
t = startTime;
while t<steptime
for i = 1:7
obj.sim.setJointTargetVelocity(obj.robot_joints(i), u(i));
t = obj.sim.getSimulationTime();
Suvansh Arora
Suvansh Arora on 30 Nov 2022
In order to understand this better, I would need your help with the following information:
  • How can I reproduce this issue at my end.
  • Brief description of problem statement you are trying to solve.
Farzad Torabi
Farzad Torabi on 30 Nov 2022
dear Suvansh
I doubt about reproducing, you need to have CoppeliaSim software too. EDU or paid version. but anyhow, I found the solution : I had to add obj before client to make it global. it resolved on matlab side. but I need to resolve the other part which is the integration and stepping. It looks like that when I use the function ApplyControl, I have to use the obj.client.step() repeatedly, but wherever I put it, the connection between Matlab and CoppeliaSim is lot after the first increment
obj.client = RemoteAPIClient();

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