Fastest selection of a coordinate in 3d array that fulfills a condition?

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I have a relatively simple problem: I need to generate random coordinates of an array, but they must fulfill a condition. I thought find+ind2sub would make this easy to sample from condition-positive sets - and it does - but i was surprised to find that these are relatively slow, and on the arrays i'm using (>1e7 elements) it can take up to seconds. Needing to run this thousands of times makes that prohibitive.
Turns out that a loop is ~10-100 times faster merely generating completely random coordinates/indices and testing them for the condition. It's even more disparately faster with ever larger arrays, and approaches similarity only under extreme conditions (<<.001% fulfilling condition) in smaller arrays.
I'm guessing that this is the overhead of find+ind2sub exhaustively searching and indexing the entire array. Is there possibly a vectorized solution that avoids the overhead, or at least overcomes the loop through internal optimizations?
Jan on 22 Dec 2022
@Carson Purnell: I agree to Matt J. Please provide a small data set for the input and the wanted output. Then mention the typical dimensions of the problem. Afterwards we can serach an efficient method.
Carson Purnell
Carson Purnell on 22 Dec 2022
A sufficient test case is using randi(10,500,500,200) to generate the array. The only output is a single randomly selected voxel within the array (as coordinates or a linear index) that satisfies a basic comparison, for this test case ==1 works.
Again, to make it clear: I do not need many random points from this single array. ind2sub would be fast at that. I need exactly one point, but quickly because i'm doing this for thousands of non-identical arrays.

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Accepted Answer

Jan on 23 Dec 2022
If the condition is not rare in the array, a gun-shot method can be very fast:
T = randi(10, 500,500,200);
doSearch = true;
n = numel(T);
index = randi([1, n]);
while T(index) ~= 1
index = randi([1, n]);
Elapsed time is 0.009403 seconds.
A comparison with an exhaustive search:
tic; % Matt J's suggestion:
logIndex=(T(:)==1); %logical index
result=z(end); %linear index
Elapsed time is 0.159166 seconds.
If the data have a small range, this is working, but of course the less frequent the condition is true, the more likely is a huge run-time.

More Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 22 Dec 2022
Edited: Matt J on 23 Dec 2022
Why not as follows? I don't know if it's as fast as you were hoping, but it definitely doesn't take seconds per iteration.
T=randi(10, 500,500,200); %hypothetical input
logIndex=(T(:)==1); %logical index
result=z(end); %linear index
Elapsed time is 0.055249 seconds.
  1 Comment
Matt J
Matt J on 22 Dec 2022
Edited: Matt J on 23 Dec 2022
If you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox, there is substantial speed-up to be had from working on the GPU. This comparison used the GTX 1080 Ti:
T=randi(10, 500,500,200);
timeit(@()doIt(T)) %on CPU
ans =
gputimeit(@()doIt(Tgpu)) %on GPU
ans =
function result=doIt(T)

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