Speeding up interpolation with scattered interpolation

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I've been working on speeding up my code for a project and I've identified that I'm spending a lot of time interpolating my data. I have data for wind speeds, air temperature, pressure and a few other things that depend on position in the X,Y and Z directions. I've been using ScatteredInterpolation to interpolate across 1425 data points and then using the interpolant find the wind speeds, air temperature, pressure etc. at a specific position. I was wondering if there was a faster way to do this, either speeding up scatteredinterpolation or a different interpolating method. Am fairly new to MATLAB so help appreciated.
daniel on 10 Dec 2023
The whole code is very long, slighly messy and would be a pain to share on here. If its possible not to share the whole thing I'd rather do that if thats okay. Ive attached below the sections of code for the interpolation.
The Atmospheric data arrays contain data from the GFS weather model, more specifically they contain Temperature, Pressure, Air Density, Eastwards windspeed, northwards windspeed and vertical windspeed at a range of points.
The points are spaced every 0.25 lat and long and there is data for 57 different altitudes.
When I am interpolating I'm interpolating across a 5 latitudes and 5 longitudes and all altitudes.
AtmosphericDataPrevious = G.AtmosphericDataPrevious;
AtmosphericDataCurrent = G.AtmosphericDataCurrent;
AtmosphericDataNext = G.AtmosphericDataNext;
PreviousForecastTime = str2double(G.PreviousForecastTime);
CurrentForecastTime = str2double(G.CurrentForecastTime);
NextForecastTime = str2double(G.NextForecastTime);
AltitudeData = reshape(AtmosphericDataCurrent(LowerLatLocation:UpperLatLocation,LeftLonLocation:RightLonLocation,:,1),[1425,1]);
LatData0 = LowerLat:0.25:UpperLat;
LatData1 = repmat(LatData0,[5,1,57]);
LatData = reshape(LatData1,[1425,1]);
LonData0 = LeftLon:RightLon;
LonData1 = reshape(LonData0,[5,1]);
LonData2 = repmat(LonData1,[1,5,57]);
LonData = reshape(LonData2,[1425,1]);
%previous data
TemperatureArrayPrevious = reshape(AtmosphericDataPrevious(LowerLatLocation:UpperLatLocation,LeftLonLocation:RightLonLocation,:,4),[1425,1]);
TemperaturePrevious0 = scatteredInterpolant(LatData,LonData,AltitudeData,TemperatureArrayPrevious,"natural");
DensityArrayPrevious = reshape(AtmosphericDataPrevious(LowerLatLocation:UpperLatLocation,LeftLonLocation:RightLonLocation,:,3),[1425,1]);
DensityPrevious0 = scatteredInterpolant(LatData,LonData,AltitudeData,DensityArrayPrevious,"natural");
PressureArrayPrevious = reshape(AtmosphericDataPrevious(LowerLatLocation:UpperLatLocation,LeftLonLocation:RightLonLocation,:,2),[1425,1]);
PressurePrevious0 = scatteredInterpolant(LatData,LonData,AltitudeData,PressureArrayPrevious,"natural");
VerticalWindVelocityArrayPrevious = reshape(AtmosphericDataPrevious(LowerLatLocation:UpperLatLocation,LeftLonLocation:RightLonLocation,:,5),[1425,1]);
VerticalWindVelocityPrevious0 = scatteredInterpolant(LatData,LonData,AltitudeData,VerticalWindVelocityArrayPrevious,"natural");
EastwardsWindVelocityArrayPrevious = reshape(AtmosphericDataPrevious(LowerLatLocation:UpperLatLocation,LeftLonLocation:RightLonLocation,:,6),[1425,1]);
EastwardsWindVelocityPrevious0 = scatteredInterpolant(LatData,LonData,AltitudeData,EastwardsWindVelocityArrayPrevious,"natural");
NorthwardsWindVelocityArrayPrevious = reshape(AtmosphericDataPrevious(LowerLatLocation:UpperLatLocation,LeftLonLocation:RightLonLocation,:,7),[1425,1]);
NorthwardsWindVelocityPrevious0 = scatteredInterpolant(LatData,LonData,AltitudeData,NorthwardsWindVelocityArrayPrevious,"natural");
TemperaturePrevious = TemperaturePrevious0(CurrentLatitude,CurrentLongitude,CurrentAltitude);%Temperature at altitude (K)
DensityPrevious = DensityPrevious0(CurrentLatitude,CurrentLongitude,CurrentAltitude);%Air density at altitude (Kg/m^3)
PressurePrevious = PressurePrevious0(CurrentLatitude,CurrentLongitude,CurrentAltitude); %Pressure at altitude (Pa)
VerticalWindVelocityPrevious = VerticalWindVelocityPrevious0(CurrentLatitude,CurrentLongitude,CurrentAltitude); %Vertical wind-velocity (m/s)
EastwardsWindVelocityPrevious = EastwardsWindVelocityPrevious0(CurrentLatitude,CurrentLongitude,CurrentAltitude);%Eastwards wind-velocity (m/s)
NorthwardsWindVelocityPrevious = NorthwardsWindVelocityPrevious0(CurrentLatitude,CurrentLongitude,CurrentAltitude); %Northwards wind-velocity (m/s)
Once I've interpolated im using the interpolant to find the atmospheric properties at a given point.
Torsten on 10 Dec 2023
The points are spaced every 0.25 lat and long and there is data for 57 different altitudes.
If this is the case, why don't you use GriddedInterpolant instead of ScatteredInterpolant ? The interpolation afterwards will be much faster.

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 10 Dec 2023
Edited: Matt J on 10 Dec 2023
Your data is gridded, so you should be using griddedInterpolant, as opposed to scatteredInterpolant. Gridded interpolation is much faster than scattered interpolation.
TemperaturePrevious0 = griddedInterpolant( {LatData0,LonData0,AltitudeData0}, TemperatureArrayPrevious)
Once I've interpolated im using the interpolant to find the atmospheric properties at a given point.
...you should not interpolate one point at a time. You should supply a vector of query points and interpolate them in a single call.
Matt J
Matt J on 10 Dec 2023
I've tried the above code but i keep getting the following error:
It means one of the coordinates you are interpolating (Lat, Lon, Altitude) has less than two sample points.
daniel on 10 Dec 2023
I've got it sorted now, thank you very much for your help. sorry if my lack of knowledge was frustrating.

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