Hello MathWorks community,
I'm currently working on my Speedgoat RealTime target, and I would like to perform Data Replay, using the block Signal Editor.
My scenario is well configured, and the simulation works pretty well, but currently the data are generated by the Signal Editor as soon the simulation Start. However I need before to wake-up the DUT and let him correctly initialize ...
I tried to use Enabled Subsystem with my Signal Editor inside, but it still starts at time = 0. Enabled Subsystem simply enables output, but doesn't start Signal Editor at the time of Enable signal.
We can imagine to use a Switch bloc with 2 differents bus with the data comming from the Signal Editor, and from the plant model to allow the DUT to correctly init. Unfortunalty, because the Signal Editor is already sending the data, I cannot perform the replay testing as expected.
Is there an option for controlling the Signal Editor (such as start/stop/loop) with Simulink RealTime during the Simulation ?
Thank you for your advice !