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The issue of optimization (minimization) of the average relative error between experimental and calculated data

126 views (last 30 days)
I want to share the difficulties that I faced. Can someone help
problem statement:
there is a 'x' column where the values ​​of the independent variable are written and there is a 'y' column where the experimental values ​​of the dependent variable are written.
approximation model is considered:
and based on this model, an objective function is created, which is equal to the average value of the relative deviations between y and y_calculate:
error_function = mean(abs(y - y_calculate)) / y)=mean(abs(y - =A*x^B+C)) / y);
Our goal is to select parameters A,B,C in such a way that 'error_function' takes the value of the global minimum.
I calculated the optimal values ​​of A, B, C and got:
A = 85.5880, B = -0.0460, C = 4.8824,
at which error function value for optimized parameters: 0.0285.
but I know in advance the specific values ​​of A, B, C:
A = 1005.6335852931, B = -1.59745963925582, C = 73.54149744754400,
at which error function value for specific parameters: 0.002680472178434,
which is much better than with optimization
Below is the code with visualization, which confirms the above.
close all
% Data
x = [7.3392, 14.6784, 22.0176, 29.3436, 36.6828, 44.0088, 51.3348, 58.674, 66, 73.3392, 80.6652, 88.0044, 95.3304, 102.6696, 109.9956, 117.3348, 124.6608, 132];
y = [115.1079, 87.7698, 80.5755, 78.1611, 76.5743, 75.7074, 74.9375, 74.9453, 74.59, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990];
% Initial guesses for parameters A, B, C
initial_guess = [1, 1, 1];
% Error function
error_function = @(params) mean(abs(y - (params(1) * x.^params(2) + params(3))) ./ y);
% Optimization of parameters
optimized_params = fminsearch(error_function, initial_guess);
% Results of optimization
A_optimized = optimized_params(1);
B_optimized = optimized_params(2);
C_optimized = optimized_params(3);
% Calculation of the fitted function for optimized parameters
y_calculate_optimized = A_optimized * x.^B_optimized + C_optimized;
% Calculate and display the error function value for optimized parameters
value_error_optimized = error_function(optimized_params);
fprintf('Optimized parameters:\nA = %.4f\nB = %.4f\nC = %.4f\n', A_optimized, B_optimized, C_optimized);
fprintf(' error function value for optimized parameters: %.4f\n', value_error_optimized);
% Other specific parameters A, B, C
A_specific = 1005.63358529310;
B_specific = -1.59745963925582;
C_specific = 73.541497447544;
% Calculation of the fitted function for specific parameters
y_calculate_specific = A_specific * x.^B_specific + C_specific;
% Calculate and display the error function value for specific parameters
value_error_specific = error_function([A_specific, B_specific, C_specific]);
fprintf('Specific parameters:\nA = %.10f\nB = %.14f\nC = %.14f\n', A_specific, B_specific, C_specific);
fprintf(' error function value for specific parameters: %.4f\n', value_error_specific);
% Visualization
plot(x, y, 'bo-', 'DisplayName', 'Experimental data');
hold on;
plot(x, y_calculate_optimized, 'r--', 'DisplayName', 'Fitted model (Optimized)');
plot(x, y_calculate_specific, 'g-.', 'DisplayName', 'Fitted model (Specific)');
legend('Location', 'best');
title('Approximation of experimental data');
grid on;
Obviously, my optimization code does not lead to a global minimum of the objective function, since there is a better approximation for specific values ​​of A,B,C. Maybe this is caused by a random selection of the initial values ​​of the parameters A=1, B=1, c=1 and therefore my code is stuck in a local minimum?
who can write a code that will select the A,B,C parameters so as to achieve the global minimum of the target function 'error_function', for any initial iteration data of the variables A,B,C. Thoughts for testing: the value of the target function 'error_function' should not be worse (that is, more) than 0.002680472178434, which is obtained with the specific value of A,B,C: A = 1005.6335852931, B = -1.59745963925582, C = 73.54149744754400

Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 22 Aug 2024
Edited: Matt J on 5 Sep 2024
If you download minL1lin from
then you can do,
% Data
x = [7.3392, 14.6784, 22.0176, 29.3436, 36.6828, 44.0088, 51.3348, 58.674, 66, 73.3392, 80.6652, 88.0044, 95.3304, 102.6696, 109.9956, 117.3348, 124.6608, 132];
y = [115.1079, 87.7698, 80.5755, 78.1611, 76.5743, 75.7074, 74.9375, 74.9453, 74.59, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990];
% Initial guess for parameter B
initial_guess = 1;
% Error function
error_function = @(B) objFun(B, x,y);
% Optimization of parameters
B = fminsearch(error_function, initial_guess);
A = 1.0460e+03
B = -1.6184
C = 73.5535
fval = 0.0025
function [fval,p]=objFun(theta, x,y)
theta; x (:,1); y(:,1);
Q=[x.^B, d]./y;
A=AC(1); C=AC(2);
p={A, B, C};
roborrr on 1 Nov 2024 at 14:08
thank you dear Torshen for correcting the error in my second script - instead of model function y=A.*(1+(lambda*x).^m)+C, there should indeed be function y=A./(1+(lambda*x).^m)+C:
% Data
x = [7.3392, 14.6784, 22.0176, 29.3436, 36.6828, 44.0088, 51.3348, 58.674, 66, 73.3392, 80.6652, 88.0044, 95.3304, 102.6696, 109.9956, 117.3348, 124.6608, 132];
y = [115.1079, 87.7698, 80.5755, 78.1611, 76.5743, 75.7074, 74.9375, 74.9453, 74.59, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990];
% Initial guess for parameter theta
initial_guess = [1,1];
% Error function
error_function = @(theta) objFun(theta, x,y);
% Optimization of parameters
%Bounds on lambda and m
lambda0 =0;
m0 =0;
m1 =inf;
A0 = 0;
A1 = inf;
C0 = 0.2*min(y);
C1 = 1.1*min(y);
%Call the optimizer
theta = fminsearchbnd(error_function, initial_guess,[lambda0,m0],[lambda1,m1]);
function fval=objFun(theta, x,y)
x=x(:);y=y(:); theta=theta(:);
lambda=theta(1); m=theta(2);
% Set A and B to appropriate values !
A = 131.5161945547369;
C = 73.9206126555175;
fval = sum(abs((y - (A./(1 + (lambda * x).^m)+ C))./y));
fval= fval/numel(y);
This construct does give the best result - Fval = 0.015, when the best coefficients A and C are known in advance. But I tried to use this construct to optimize all coefficients A, C, lambda and m and got the worst result - Fval = 0.0240. Here is the script I wrote:
% Data
x = [7.3392, 14.6784, 22.0176, 29.3436, 36.6828, 44.0088, 51.3348, 58.674, 66, 73.3392, 80.6652, 88.0044, 95.3304, 102.6696, 109.9956, 117.3348, 124.6608, 132];
y = [115.1079, 87.7698, 80.5755, 78.1611, 76.5743, 75.7074, 74.9375, 74.9453, 74.59, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990, 74.2990];
% Initial guess for parameter theta
initial_guess = [1,1,1,1];
% Error function
error_function = @(theta) objFun(theta, x,y);
% Optimization of parameters
%Bounds on lambda and m
lambda0 =0;
m0 =0;
m1 =inf;
A0 = 0;
A1 = inf;
C0 = 0.2*min(y);
C1 = 1.1*min(y);
%Call the optimizer
theta = fminsearchbnd(error_function, initial_guess,[lambda0,m0,A0,C0],[lambda1,m1,A1,C1]);
function fval=objFun(theta, x,y)
x=x(:);y=y(:); theta=theta(:);
lambda=theta(1); m=theta(2);
% the best values ​​of A and C that should be obtained in this script
% A = 131.5161945547369;
% C = 73.9206126555175;
fval = sum(abs((y - (A./(1 + (lambda * x).^m)+ C))./y));
fval= fval/numel(y);
why does the value - Fval = 0.015, obtained from the first script not match the value obtained from the second script - Fval = 0.0240? where am I making a mistake in the second script?
how universal is this construct? is it possible to use it for models of any complexity? or is the class of models limited?
Torsten on 1 Nov 2024 at 14:22
Edited: Torsten on 1 Nov 2024 at 14:30
You tried two solution strategies: Solving for all 4 parameters simultaneously (first strategy) and solving for the 2 linear and the 2 nonlinear coefficients separately with result coupling (second strategy). The second strategy turned out to be better and more robust - especially because no initial guesses for A and C are needed (your values A = 1 and C = 1 used for the first strategy most probably are too far off).
That's life in numerical analysis: usually, you have to go the way of trial and error for each problem you want to solve, and generalizations are not possible.

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