How to extract pixel intensity of a grayscale image (*.jpg) to a MS Excel table

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Hello everyone, I am a very new beginner with image processing and Mathlab. Please help me with the following isse, many thanks in advance !
I have a grayscale image. I'd like to extract its pixel intensities to a MS Excel table with three vectors, including pixel intensiy, X and Y coordinates of the pixel.

Accepted Answer

Sameer on 16 Sep 2024
Edited: Sameer on 16 Sep 2024
Hi Mac
From my understanding, you want to extract pixel intensities from a grayscale image and save them in an 'MS Excel' table with the corresponding X and Y coordinates.
Here’s how you can achieve it:
1. Read the Image: First, ensure your grayscale image is accessible, either in the current directory or by providing the full path.
% Read the grayscale image
img = imread('your_image.jpg');
2. Extract Pixel Intensities and Coordinates: Loop through each pixel to gather intensity values and their coordinates.
% Get the size of the image
[rows, cols] = size(img);
% Initialize vectors for storing pixel data
pixelIntensity = [];
xCoordinates = [];
yCoordinates = [];
% Loop through each pixel
for x = 1:cols
for y = 1:rows
% Append data to vectors
pixelIntensity = [pixelIntensity; img(y, x)];
xCoordinates = [xCoordinates; x];
yCoordinates = [yCoordinates; y];
3. Write Data to Excel: Utilize "writetable" function to save the extracted data into an Excel file.
% Create a table from the vectors
dataTable = table(xCoordinates, yCoordinates, pixelIntensity, ...
'VariableNames', {'X', 'Y', 'Intensity'});
% Write the table to an Excel file
writetable(dataTable, 'pixel_data.xlsx');
Please refer to the below MathWorks documentation link:
Hope this helps!

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More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 16 Sep 2024
See my attached demo that writes an image out to a CSV text file that can be read in by Excel.




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