How to avoid error accumulating when doing vector transformation?

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I am working on an eigenvalue problem. For simplicity, Let's say I have a matrix M which has an eigenvalue 1, and the associated eigenvector v (assuming the eigenspace is 1 dimensional), so
Now, if I want , so I have
So if I have a vector that's is really close to v, I would expect the above expression to be very close to 1 as well, but this is not the case. Here I have a (row) stochastic matrix of size 1000 by 1000 and v is a good approximation of the stationary vector which I just computed
>> norm(v*M1000-v, 1)
ans =
>> p = (v - 1) ./ v;
>> norm(v*(M1000 - diag(p)) - ones(1,1000),1)
ans =
I am trying to understand what makes the errors so different from each other. This is worse if the matrix size is bigger. Is there a better way I can compute the expression to make the errors closer?
Shashi Kiran
Shashi Kiran on 5 Nov 2024
As specified, M1000 is a 1000x1000 matrix and v is a 1000x1 eigenvector. How is the multiplication v*M1000 carried out, or am I misunderstanding something?
Could you provide M1000 and v so I can examine the issue further?
serige on 6 Nov 2024
Edited: serige on 6 Nov 2024
v is actually a 1x1000 vector, I do apologize for the confusion.
Here is what I used to create M1000
n = 1000;
M1000 = randn(n,n);
M1000 = abs(M1000);
M1000 = bsxfun(@rdivide, M1000, sum(M1000, 2));
For big matrix, I use a simple iterative power method to compute v. Since this is a stochatic matrix, v in this case is a probability vector. For a 1000x1000 matrix, you can probably just use direct method to compute v
v = null(eye(size(M1000)) - M1000', 'r');
v = v';
v = v ./ sum(v);

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Accepted Answer

Shashi Kiran
Shashi Kiran on 7 Nov 2024
The difference in error between the two norm calculations arises from the nature of the operations being performed.
This is beacuse
  • The first norm calculation, norm(v * M1000 - v, 1), directly checks if v is an eigenvector, which is generally more stable and less prone to numerical errors.
  • The second calculation, norm(v * (M1000 - diag(p)) - ones(1, 1000), 1), involves subtracting a diagonal matrix from M1000. This transformation is more sensitive to floating-point precision, so it introduces small numerical errors that accumulate differently than in the first calculation.
To reduce these errors, you can use MATLAB’s vpa (Variable-Precision Arithmetic) function, which allows calculations with higher precision. For more details, refer to the Using higher precision (like 32 or more decimal digits) can significantly reduce floating-point error, especially for larger matrices. This approach, however, can be computationally expensive.
Here is how you can implement this:
% Initialize data
n = 1000;
M1000 = randn(n, n);
M1000 = abs(M1000);
M1000 = bsxfun(@rdivide, M1000, sum(M1000, 2));
v = null(eye(size(M1000)) - M1000', 'r');
v = v';
v = v ./ sum(v);
% Convert M1000 and v to symbolic with higher precision
M1000_sym = vpa(M1000, 32); % Set precision to 32 digits
v_sym = vpa(v, 32);
p_sym = (v_sym - 1) ./ v_sym;
% Compute norms in higher precision
norm1_sym = norm(v_sym * M1000_sym - v_sym, 1);
fprintf('norm(v_sym * M1000_sym - v_sym, 1) = %.4e\n', double(norm1_sym));
norm(v_sym * M1000_sym - v_sym, 1) = 5.6037e-16
expression_sym = v_sym * (M1000_sym - diag(p_sym)) - ones(1, n);
norm2_sym = norm(expression_sym, 1);
fprintf('norm(v_sym * (M1000_sym - diag(p_sym)) - ones(1, n), 1) = %.4e\n', double(norm2_sym));
norm(v_sym * (M1000_sym - diag(p_sym)) - ones(1, n), 1) = 5.6037e-16
Hope this helps!

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