
Shashi Kiran

Last seen: 1 day ago Active since 2024

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A MATLAB Enthusiast

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coupled differntial equation using ode45
Hi @Kushagra Saurabh, I understand that you are encountering an error while trying to solve the coupled differential equation. ...

8 days ago | 0

16-QAM over AWGN Channel
Hi @A. MAR. I understand that you are trying to simulate 16-QAM over an AWGN channel and are having trouble aligning the theore...

9 days ago | 0

Control Engineering conver transfer function MIMO to state space
Hi @meng fowler, To convert a 2x2 MIMO transfer function system with two inputs, two outputs, and three states into a state-spa...

11 days ago | 0

error is using bvpset in bvp4c
Hi @Syed, I understand that you are aiming to obtain an output with 6 or more decimal places but are encountering errors. Her...

11 days ago | 0

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Error creating array with evenly spaced elements
Hi @Luan Vuong, I understand that you are encountering an issue with id = find(F == 62.3) not working as expected. This is due ...

13 days ago | 2

fplot with two y-axis
Hi @Angel Cuadras, I understand that you want to plot two curves using yyaxis with fplot. Based on the code you provided, her...

15 days ago | 1

Model simulation Code for SEIR
Hi @Sunday, I understand you are encountering errors related to incorrectly placed functions. The error occurs because the fu...

16 days ago | 0

Hi @adriane duarte, I see you are having trouble getting the simulation and theoretical curves to match. After checking the c...

17 days ago | 0

Calculate Bit Error Rate and Block Error Rate using MATLAB
Hi Sukshith, I see you are interested in calculating the Bit Error Rate (BER) and Block Error Rate (BLER) using MATLAB for your...

18 days ago | 0

You have to transmit Data Sequence 11100010 with transmission bit rate 1000000 through QPSK. Write a Matlab code and a) Generate data sequence and all the above mentioned wave
Hi Ali, I understand that you want to separate the even and odd components of the data sequence [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] and pl...

19 days ago | 0

Y double axis required trendlines
Hi Somnath, To add trendlines to a double-axis plot in MATLAB, the trendline function from the MathWorks File Exchange as given...

22 days ago | 0

Matlab code does not run past a certain point: i.e. buffers at a certain line of code
Hi @Jhryssa, I understand that your code is getting stuck while solving the function using the ode45 solver. To address the i...

22 days ago | 0

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How can I read an image of size 2048*2048 pixels using Matlab 2013 by the "imread()" command ?
Hi @Ali Al-Janabi, To read an image of size 2048x2048 pixels using MATLAB R2013a, imread() function can be used. Here is how yo...

23 days ago | 0

Change grid cell size and interpolate values from old grid into new grid.
Hi Luke, I understand that you want to interpolate your bathymetric grid from a 356x583 matrix to a grid with square cells of 3...

24 days ago | 0

In BER SIMULATION of BPSK IN RAYLEIGH FADING ENVIRONMENT when I place h=sqrt(1/2)*(randn+j*randn) before while loop I don't get any curve and total BER result why is that ?
Hi Mashrur, I understand that you are encountering an issue of not getting the complete Bit Error Rate (BER) results for all Si...

24 days ago | 1

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64-QAM Modulation and Demodulation
Hi @Ibnu Darajat, I understand that you are interested in how transmission is handled when the data length is not a multiple of...

25 days ago | 0

How to perform Bonferroni correction on ttest2 comparison of two independent samples?
Hi Sara, I understand you are encountering errors while applying the Bonferroni correction to a ttest2 comparison. Here are the...

25 days ago | 1

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Where is the Code C icon?What plugins need to be installed?
Hi @ming, I notice that the "C code" option is not visible in the Show Perspective section, as mentioned in the "mcb_nxp...

26 days ago | 0

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High BER for QAM
Hi @Muath I understand that you are experiencing poor performance with the Bit Error Rate (BER) while implementing the 16-QAM m...

27 days ago | 0

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In the example of CSI Feedback with Autoencoders, I encountered functions such as plotChannelResponse and validateTrainingFiles that are not declared and defined.
Hi @Chloe, I understand you are implementing "CSI Feedback with Autoencoders" example and want to know where the definition of...

30 days ago | 0

why is it operational in simulink with some results vertical vectors as well as horizontal ones?
Hi @ED, I understand that you are encountering an issue with differences in how matrix multiplication is handled in Simulink co...

30 days ago | 2

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Maximizing Spectral efficiency instead of maximizing SINR in RI selection in 5G NR toolbox
Hi @Jake, I understand that you want to know the difference in MaxSINR and MaxSE. According to this MATLAB 2024a documentation...

1 month ago | 0

Write the Timetable data to the EDF file
Hi @Wensor, I see you are using edfwrite on timetables. The edfwrite function is specifically designed to work with numerical d...

1 month ago | 0

Imaginary Component in Total Profit Calculation
Hi @Shaf, I have reviewed your code and found the following insights: When calculating xa, the term: term = (-(a*(-1+b)*g(i-1...

1 month ago | 1

draw the centered data on the same axes as the raw data
Hi @NAFISA SIDDIQUI, To plot the "Wire Length" vs. "Die Height" along with their centred data on the same plot, you can follow ...

1 month ago | 1

how to change bpsk modulation by ook modulation for any distribution?
Hi Manoranjan, In Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), binary data is transformed into two distinct signal phases and the mapping...

1 month ago | 0

How can I load out the data to array from several specific column number?
Hi @Evelyn Chen, You can extract specific columns from the text file using the following approach: data = load('your_file.txt'...

2 months ago | 0

Just only cwtft2 is used for 2D continuous wavelet transform (2D CWT)?
Hi @Panida Kaewniam, I understood that you want to detect singularities of your data using 2D CWT. Below are my observations o...

2 months ago | 0

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A problem about implementing soft-decision decode in an OFDM system
Hi @lc, Before Equalization: Right after you add AWGN, the noise power (noise_var) includes both the Rayleigh fading and the AW...

2 months ago | 1

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