How can I surrogate data in MATLAB?

4 views (last 30 days)
Hello all
I want to surrogate my data (500x1 excel file) but I have no idea how to do that and since I have little time left for that I need to do that fast and so I do not have enough time to go through fundamentals of surrogating data (I am using R2022b version).
Can anyone provide me a simple code for surrogating data? Thanks in advance!

Accepted Answer

Sameer on 2 Dec 2024
Surrogating data typically involves generating a new dataset that preserves certain properties of the original dataset, such as its mean and variance, but randomizes other aspects to test statistical hypotheses.
Here's a simple way to surrogate your data by shuffling it. This is one of the simplest surrogate data methods:
% Load your data from the Excel file
data = xlsread('your_file.xlsx');
% Surrogate the data by shuffling
surrogateData = data(randperm(length(data)));
xlswrite('surrogate_data.xlsx', surrogateData);
Hope this helps!
  1 Comment
Mir Sahand
Mir Sahand on 3 Dec 2024
Thanks a lot @Sameer
your answer really helped me out!
can you please mention one or two other methods for surrogating data or maybe their code source?

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