name each legend with Yticklabel

6 views (last 30 days)
Ancalagon8 on 4 Jan 2025
Edited: Ancalagon8 on 6 Jan 2025
How can I put in each suplot's legend the name of each Yticklabel?
dpb on 4 Jan 2025
Edited: dpb on 5 Jan 2025
type rdmseed
function varargout = rdmseed(varargin) if nargin > 6 error('Too many input arguments.') end % global variables shared with sub-functions global f fid offset le ef wo rl forcebe verbose notc force % default input arguments makeplot = 0; % make plot flag verbose = 0; % verbose flag/level forcebe = 0; % force big-endian ef = 10; % encoding format default wo = 1; % word order default rl = 2^12; % record length default force = 0; % force input argument over blockette 1000 (UNDOCUMENTED) notc = 0; % force no time correction (over ActivityFlags) nullhead = 0; % allow null bytes before header if nargin < 1 [filename,pathname] = uigetfile('*','Please select a miniSEED file...'); f = fullfile(pathname,filename); else f = varargin{1}; end if ~ischar(f) || ~exist(f,'file') error('File %s does not exist.',f); end if nargin > 1 verbose = any(strcmpi(varargin,'v')) + 2*any(strcmpi(varargin,'vv')) ... + 3*any(strcmpi(varargin,'vvv')); makeplot = any(strcmpi(varargin,'plot')); forcebe = any(strcmpi(varargin,'be')); notc = any(strcmpi(varargin,'notc')); force = any(strcmpi(varargin,'force')); nullhead = any(strcmpi(varargin,'nullhead')); end nargs = (makeplot>0) + (verbose>0) + (forcebe>0) + (notc>0) + (force>0) ... + (nullhead>0); if nargin > (1 + nargs) ef = varargin{2}; if ~isnumeric(ef) || ~any(ef==[0:5,10:19,30:33]) error('Argument ENCODINGFORMAT must be a valid FDSN code value.'); end end if nargin > (2 + nargs) wo = varargin{3}; if ~isnumeric(wo) || (wo ~= 0 && wo ~= 1) error('Argument WORDORDER must be 0 or 1.'); end end if nargin > (3 + nargs) rl = varargin{4}; if ~isnumeric(rl) || rl < 256 || rem(log(rl)/log(2),1) ~= 0 error('Argument RECORDLENGTH must be a power of 2 and greater or equal to 256.'); end end if nargout == 0 makeplot = 1; end % sensible limits for multiplexed files max_channels = 20; % absolute max number of channels to plot max_channel_label = 6; % max. number of channels for y-labels % file is opened in Big-Endian encoding (this is encouraged by SEED) fid = fopen(f,'rb','ieee-be'); le = 0; offset = 0; % --- tests if the header is mini-SEED % the 7th character must be one of the "data header/quality indicator", usually 'D' header = fread(fid,20,'*char'); if ~ismember(header(7),'DRMQ') if ismember(header(7),'VAST') error('File seems to be a SEED Volume. Cannot read it.'); else if header(1)==0 if nullhead if verbose fprintf('Null header option: bypassing...'); end c = 0; fseek(fid,0,'bof'); while c==0 c = fread(fid,1,'*char'); offset = offset + 1; end if verbose fprintf(' %d null bytes.\n',offset); end header = fread(fid,6,'*char'); if ~ismember(header(6),'DRMQ') error('File is not in mini-SEED format. Cannot read it.'); else offset = offset - 1; end else error('File starts with null bytes... if you believe it is still a miniseed file, try the ''nullhead'' option.'); end else error('File is not in mini-SEED format. Cannot read it.'); end end end i = 1; while offset >= 0 X(i) = read_data_record; i = i + 1; end fclose(fid); if nargout > 0 varargout{1} = X; end % --- analyses data if makeplot || nargout > 1 % test if the file is multiplexed or a single channel un = unique(cellstr(char(X.ChannelFullName))); nc = numel(un); for i = 1:nc k = find(strcmp(cellstr(char(X.ChannelFullName)),un{i})); I(i).ChannelFullName = X(k(1)).ChannelFullName; I(i).XBlockIndex = k; I(i).ClockDrift = ([diff(cat(1,X(k).RecordStartTimeMATLAB));NaN]*86400 - cat(1,X(k).NumberSamples)./cat(1,X(k).SampleRate))./cat(1,X(k).NumberSamples); I(i).OverlapBlockIndex = k(find(I(i).ClockDrift.*cat(1,X(k).NumberSamples).*cat(1,X(k).SampleRate) < -.5) + 1); I(i).OverlapTime = cat(1,X(I(i).OverlapBlockIndex).RecordStartTimeMATLAB); I(i).GapBlockIndex = k(find(I(i).ClockDrift.*cat(1,X(k).NumberSamples).*cat(1,X(k).SampleRate) > .5) + 1); I(i).GapTime = cat(1,X(I(i).GapBlockIndex).RecordStartTimeMATLAB); end end if nargout > 1 varargout{2} = I; end % --- plots the data if makeplot figure xlim = [min(cat(1,X.t)),max(cat(1,X.t))]; % test if all data records have the same length rl = unique(cat(1,X.DataRecordSize)); if numel(rl) == 1 rl_text = sprintf('%d bytes',rl); else rl_text = sprintf('%d-%d bytes',min(rl),max(rl)); end % test if all data records have the same sampling rate sr = unique(cat(1,X.SampleRate)); if numel(sr) == 1 sr_text = sprintf('%g Hz',sr); else sr_text = sprintf('%d # samp. rates',numel(sr)); end % test if all data records have the same encoding format ef = unique(cellstr(cat(1,X.EncodingFormatName))); if numel(ef) == 1 ef_text = sprintf('%s',ef{:}); else ef_text = sprintf('%d different encod. formats',numel(ef)); end if nc == 1 plot(cat(1,X.t),cat(1,X.d)) hold on for i = 1:length(I.GapBlockIndex) plot(I.GapTime(i),X(I.GapBlockIndex(i)).d(1),'*r') legend end for i = 1:length(I.OverlapBlockIndex) plot(I.OverlapTime(i),X(I.OverlapBlockIndex(i)).d(1),'og') legend end hold off set(gca,'XLim',xlim) datetick('x','keeplimits') grid on xlabel(sprintf('Time\n(%s to %s)',datestr(xlim(1)),datestr(xlim(2)))) ylabel('Counts') title(sprintf('mini-SEED file "%s"\n%s (%d rec. @ %s - %g samp. @ %s - %s)', ... f,un{1},length(X),rl_text,numel(cat(1,X.d)),sr_text,ef_text),'Interpreter','none') else % plot is done only for real data channels... if nc > max_channels warning('Plot has been limited to %d channels (over %d). See help to manage multiplexed file.', ... max_channels,nc); nc = max_channels; end for i = 1:nc subplot(nc*2,1,i*2 + (-1:0)) k = I(i).XBlockIndex; if ~any(strcmp('ASCII',cellstr(cat(1,X(k).EncodingFormatName)))) plot(cat(1,X(k).t),cat(1,X(k).d)) legend hold on for ii = 1:length(I(i).GapBlockIndex) if ~isempty(X(I(i).GapBlockIndex(ii)).d) plot(I(i).GapTime(ii),X(I(i).GapBlockIndex(ii)).d,'r') legend else plot(repmat(I(i).GapTime(ii),1,2),ylim,'r') legend end end for ii = 1:length(I(i).OverlapBlockIndex) if ~isempty(X(I(i).OverlapBlockIndex(ii)).d) plot(I(i).OverlapTime(ii),X(I(i).OverlapBlockIndex(ii)).d,'g') legend else plot(repmat(I(i).OverlapTime(ii),1,2),ylim,'g') legend end end hold off end set(gca,'XLim',xlim,'FontSize',8) h = ylabel(un{i},'Interpreter','none'); if nc > max_channel_label set(gca,'YTick',[]) set(h,'Rotation',0,'HorizontalAlignment','right','FontSize',8) end datetick('x','keeplimits') set(gca,'XTickLabel',[]) grid on if i == 1 title(sprintf('mini-SEED file "%s"\n%d channels (%d rec. @ %s - %g data - %s - %s)', ... f,length(un),length(X),rl_text,numel(cat(1,X(k).d)),sr_text,ef_text),'Interpreter','none') end if i == nc datetick('x','keeplimits') xlabel(sprintf('Time\n(%s to %s)',datestr(xlim(1)),datestr(xlim(2)))) end end v = version; if str2double(v(1))>=7 linkaxes(findobj(gcf,'type','axes'),'x') end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function D = read_data_record % read_data_record uses global variables f, fid, offset, le, ef, wo, rl, % and verbose. It reads a data record and returns a structure D. global f fid offset le ef wo rl verbose notc force fseek(fid,offset,'bof'); % --- read fixed section of Data Header (48 bytes) D.SequenceNumber = fread(fid,6,'*char')'; D.DataQualityIndicator = fread(fid,1,'*char'); D.ReservedByte = fread(fid,1,'*char'); D.StationIdentifierCode = fread(fid,5,'*char')'; D.LocationIdentifier = fread(fid,2,'*char')'; D.ChannelIdentifier = fread(fid,3,'*char')'; D.NetworkCode = fread(fid,2,'*char')'; D.ChannelFullName = sprintf('%s:%s:%s:%s',deblank(D.NetworkCode), ... deblank(D.StationIdentifierCode),deblank(D.LocationIdentifier), ... deblank(D.ChannelIdentifier)); % Start Time decoding [D.RecordStartTime,swapflag] = readbtime; D.RecordStartTimeISO = sprintf('%4d-%03d %02d:%02d:%07.4f',D.RecordStartTime); if swapflag if le machinefmt = 'ieee-be'; le = 0; else machinefmt = 'ieee-le'; le = 1; end position = ftell(fid); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(f,'rb',machinefmt); fseek(fid,position,'bof'); if verbose > 0 warning('RDMSEED:DataIntegrity', ... 'Sequence # %s: need to switch file encoding to %s...\n', ... D.SequenceNumber,machinefmt); end end D.NumberSamples = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); % Sample Rate decoding SampleRateFactor = fread(fid,1,'int16'); SampleRateMultiplier = fread(fid,1,'int16'); if SampleRateFactor > 0 if SampleRateMultiplier >= 0 D.SampleRate = SampleRateFactor*SampleRateMultiplier; else D.SampleRate = -1*SampleRateFactor/SampleRateMultiplier; end else if SampleRateMultiplier >= 0 D.SampleRate = -1*SampleRateMultiplier/SampleRateFactor; else D.SampleRate = 1/(SampleRateFactor*SampleRateMultiplier); end end D.ActivityFlags = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.IOFlags = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.DataQualityFlags = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.NumberBlockettesFollow = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.TimeCorrection = fread(fid,1,'int32'); % Time correction in 0.0001 s D.OffsetBeginData = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); D.OffsetFirstBlockette = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); % --- read the blockettes OffsetNextBlockette = D.OffsetFirstBlockette; D.BLOCKETTES = []; b2000 = 0; % Number of Blockette 2000 for i = 1:D.NumberBlockettesFollow fseek(fid,offset + OffsetNextBlockette,'bof'); BlocketteType = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); switch BlocketteType case 1000 % BLOCKETTE 1000 = Data Only SEED (8 bytes) OffsetNextBlockette = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); D.BLOCKETTES.B1000.EncodingFormat = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.BLOCKETTES.B1000.WordOrder = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.BLOCKETTES.B1000.DataRecordLength = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.BLOCKETTES.B1000.Reserved = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); case 1001 % BLOCKETTE 1001 = Data Extension (8 bytes) OffsetNextBlockette = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); D.BLOCKETTES.B1001.TimingQuality = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.BLOCKETTES.B1001.Micro_sec = fread(fid,1,'int8'); D.BLOCKETTES.B1001.Reserved = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.BLOCKETTES.B1001.FrameCount = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); case 100 % BLOCKETTE 100 = Sample Rate (12 bytes) OffsetNextBlockette = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); D.BLOCKETTES.B100.ActualSampleRate = fread(fid,1,'float32'); D.BLOCKETTES.B100.Flags = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.BLOCKETTES.B100.Reserved = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); case 500 % BLOCKETTE 500 = Timing (200 bytes) OffsetNextBlockette = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); D.BLOCKETTES.B500.VCOCorrection = fread(fid,1,'float32'); D.BLOCKETTES.B500.TimeOfException = readbtime; D.BLOCKETTES.B500.MicroSec = fread(fid,1,'int8'); D.BLOCKETTES.B500.ReceptionQuality = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.BLOCKETTES.B500.ExceptionCount = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); D.BLOCKETTES.B500.ExceptionType = fread(fid,16,'*char')'; D.BLOCKETTES.B500.ClockModel = fread(fid,32,'*char')'; D.BLOCKETTES.B500.ClockStatus = fread(fid,128,'*char')'; case 2000 % BLOCKETTE 2000 = Opaque Data (variable length) b2000 = b2000 + 1; OffsetNextBlockette = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); BlocketteLength = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); OffsetOpaqueData = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); D.BLOCKETTES.B2000(b2000).RecordNumber = fread(fid,1,'uint32'); D.BLOCKETTES.B2000(b2000).DataWordOrder = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); D.BLOCKETTES.B2000(b2000).Flags = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); NumberHeaderFields = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); HeaderFields = splitfield(fread(fid,OffsetOpaqueData-15,'*char')','~'); D.BLOCKETTES.B2000(b2000).HeaderFields = HeaderFields(1:NumberHeaderFields); % Opaque data are stored as a single char string, but must be % decoded using appropriate format (e.g., Quanterra Q330) D.BLOCKETTES.B2000(b2000).OpaqueData = fread(fid,BlocketteLength-OffsetOpaqueData,'*char')'; otherwise OffsetNextBlockette = fread(fid,1,'uint16'); if verbose > 0 warning('RDMSEED:UnknownBlockette', ... 'Unknown Blockette number %d (%s)!\n', ... BlocketteType,D.ChannelFullName); end end end % --- read the data stream fseek(fid,offset + D.OffsetBeginData,'bof'); if ~force && isfield(D.BLOCKETTES,'B1000') EncodingFormat = D.BLOCKETTES.B1000.EncodingFormat; WordOrder = D.BLOCKETTES.B1000.WordOrder; D.DataRecordSize = 2^D.BLOCKETTES.B1000.DataRecordLength; else EncodingFormat = ef; WordOrder = wo; D.DataRecordSize = rl; end uncoded = 0; D.d = NaN; D.t = NaN; switch EncodingFormat case 0 % --- decoding format: ASCII text D.EncodingFormatName = {'ASCII'}; D.d = fread(fid,D.DataRecordSize - D.OffsetBeginData,'*char')'; case 1 % --- decoding format: 16-bit integers D.EncodingFormatName = {'INT16'}; dd = fread(fid,ceil((D.DataRecordSize - D.OffsetBeginData)/2),'*int16'); if xor(~WordOrder,le) dd = swapbytes(dd); end D.d = dd(1:D.NumberSamples); case 2 % --- decoding format: 24-bit integers D.EncodingFormatName = {'INT24'}; dd = fread(fid,ceil((D.DataRecordSize - D.OffsetBeginData)/3),'bit24=>int32'); if xor(~WordOrder,le) dd = swapbytes(dd); end D.d = dd(1:D.NumberSamples); case 3 % --- decoding format: 32-bit integers D.EncodingFormatName = {'INT32'}; dd = fread(fid,ceil((D.DataRecordSize - D.OffsetBeginData)/4),'*int32'); if xor(~WordOrder,le) dd = swapbytes(dd); end D.d = dd(1:D.NumberSamples); case 4 % --- decoding format: IEEE floating point D.EncodingFormatName = {'FLOAT32'}; dd = fread(fid,ceil((D.DataRecordSize - D.OffsetBeginData)/4),'*float'); if xor(~WordOrder,le) dd = swapbytes(dd); end D.d = dd(1:D.NumberSamples); case 5 % --- decoding format: IEEE double precision floating point D.EncodingFormatName = {'FLOAT64'}; dd = fread(fid,ceil((D.DataRecordSize - D.OffsetBeginData)/8),'*double'); if xor(~WordOrder,le) dd = swapbytes(dd); end D.d = dd(1:D.NumberSamples); case {10,11,19} % --- decoding formats: STEIM-1 and STEIM-2 compression % (c) Joseph M. Steim, Quanterra Inc., 1994 steim = find(EncodingFormat==[10,11,19]); D.EncodingFormatName = {sprintf('STEIM%d',steim)}; % Steim compression decoding strategy optimized for Matlab % -- by F. Beauducel, October 2010 -- % % 1. loads all data into a single 16xM uint32 array % 2. gets all nibbles from the first row splitted into 2-bit values % 3. for each possible nibble value, selects (find) and decodes % (bitsplit) all the corresponding words, and stores results % in a 4xN (STEIM1) or 7xN (STEIM2) array previously filled with % NaN's. For STEIM2 with nibbles 2 or 3, decodes also dnib values % (first 2-bit of the word) % 5. reduces this array with non-NaN values only % 6. integrates with cumsum % % This method is about 30 times faster than a 'C-like' loops coding... frame32 = fread(fid,[16,(D.DataRecordSize - D.OffsetBeginData)/64],'*uint32'); if xor(~WordOrder,le) frame32 = swapbytes(frame32); end % specific processes for STEIM-3 if steim == 3 % first bit = 1 means second differences SecondDiff = bitshift(frame32(1,:),-31); % checks for "squeezed flag"... and replaces frame32(1,:) squeezed = bitand(bitshift(frame32(1,:),-24),127); k = find(bitget(squeezed,7)); if ~isempty(k) moredata24 = bitand(frame32(1,k),16777215); k = find(squeezed == 80); % upper nibble 8-bit = 0x50 if ~isempty(k) frame32(1,k) = hex2dec('15555555'); end k = find(squeezed == 96); % upper nibble 8-bit = 0x60 if ~isempty(k) frame32(1,k) = hex2dec('2aaaaaaa'); end k = find(squeezed == 112); % upper nibble 8-bit = 0x70 if ~isempty(k) frame32(1,k) = hex2dec('3fffffff'); end end end % nibbles is an array of the same size as frame32... nibbles = bitand(bitshift(repmat(frame32(1,:),16,1),repmat(-30:2:0,size(frame32,2),1)'),3); x0 = bitsign(frame32(2,1),32); % forward integration constant xn = bitsign(frame32(3,1),32); % reverse integration constant switch steim case 1 % STEIM-1: 3 cases following the nibbles ddd = NaN*ones(4,numel(frame32)); % initiates array with NaN k = find(nibbles == 1); % nibble = 1 : four 8-bit differences if ~isempty(k) ddd(1:4,k) = bitsplit(frame32(k),32,8); end k = find(nibbles == 2); % nibble = 2 : two 16-bit differences if ~isempty(k) ddd(1:2,k) = bitsplit(frame32(k),32,16); end k = find(nibbles == 3); % nibble = 3 : one 32-bit difference if ~isempty(k) ddd(1,k) = bitsign(frame32(k),32); end case 2 % STEIM-2: 7 cases following the nibbles and dnib ddd = NaN*ones(7,numel(frame32)); % initiates array with NaN k = find(nibbles == 1); % nibble = 1 : four 8-bit differences if ~isempty(k) ddd(1:4,k) = bitsplit(frame32(k),32,8); end k = find(nibbles == 2); % nibble = 2 : must look in dnib if ~isempty(k) dnib = bitshift(frame32(k),-30); kk = k(dnib == 1); % dnib = 1 : one 30-bit difference if ~isempty(kk) ddd(1,kk) = bitsign(frame32(kk),30); end kk = k(dnib == 2); % dnib = 2 : two 15-bit differences if ~isempty(kk) ddd(1:2,kk) = bitsplit(frame32(kk),30,15); end kk = k(dnib == 3); % dnib = 3 : three 10-bit differences if ~isempty(kk) ddd(1:3,kk) = bitsplit(frame32(kk),30,10); end end k = find(nibbles == 3); % nibble = 3 : must look in dnib if ~isempty(k) dnib = bitshift(frame32(k),-30); kk = k(dnib == 0); % dnib = 0 : five 6-bit difference if ~isempty(kk) ddd(1:5,kk) = bitsplit(frame32(kk),30,6); end kk = k(dnib == 1); % dnib = 1 : six 5-bit differences if ~isempty(kk) ddd(1:6,kk) = bitsplit(frame32(kk),30,5); end kk = k(dnib == 2); % dnib = 2 : seven 4-bit differences (28 bits!) if ~isempty(kk) ddd(1:7,kk) = bitsplit(frame32(kk),28,4); end end case 3 % *** STEIM-3 DECODING IS ALPHA AND UNTESTED *** % STEIM-3: 7 cases following the nibbles ddd = NaN*ones(9,numel(frame32)); % initiates array with NaN k = find(nibbles == 0); % nibble = 0 : two 16-bit differences if ~isempty(k) ddd(1:2,k) = bitsplit(frame32(k),32,16); end k = find(nibbles == 1); % nibble = 1 : four 8-bit differences if ~isempty(k) ddd(1:4,k) = bitsplit(frame32(k),32,8); end k = find(nibbles == 2); % nibble = 2 : must look even dnib if ~isempty(k) dnib2 = bitshift(frame32(k(2:2:end)),-30); w60 = bitand(frame32(k(2:2:end)),1073741823) ... + bitshift(bitand(frame32(k(1:2:end)),1073741823),30); % concatenates two 30-bit words kk = find(dnib2 == 0); % dnib = 0: five 12-bit differences (60 bits) if ~isempty(kk) ddd(1:5,k(2*kk)) = bitsplit(w60,60,12); end kk = find(dnib2 == 1); % dnib = 1: three 20-bit differences (60 bits) if ~isempty(kk) ddd(1:3,k(2*kk)) = bitsplit(w60,60,20); end end k = find(nibbles == 3); % nibble = 3 : must look 3rd bit if ~isempty(k) dnib = bitshift(frame32(k),-27); kk = k(dnib == 24); % dnib = 11000 : nine 3-bit differences (27 bits) if ~isempty(kk) ddd(1:9,kk) = bitsplit(frame32(kk),27,3); end kk = k(dnib == 25); % dnib = 11001 : Not A Difference if ~isempty(kk) ddd(1,kk) = bitsign(frame32(kk),27); end kk = k(dnib > 27); % dnib = 111.. : 29-bit sample (29 bits) if ~isempty(kk) ddd(1,kk) = bitsign(frame32(kk),29); end end end % Little-endian coding: needs to swap bytes if ~WordOrder ddd = flipud(ddd); end dd = ddd(~isnan(ddd)); % reduces initial array ddd: dd is non-NaN values of ddd % controls the number of samples if numel(dd) ~= D.NumberSamples if verbose > 1 warning('RDMSEED:DataIntegrity','Problem in %s sequence # %s [%d-%03d %02d:%02d:%07.4f]: number of samples in header (%d) does not equal data (%d).\n', ... D.EncodingFormatName{:},D.SequenceNumber,D.RecordStartTimeISO,D.NumberSamples,numel(dd)); end if numel(dd) < D.NumberSamples D.NumberSamples = numel(dd); end end % rebuilds the data vector by integrating the differences D.d = cumsum([x0;dd(2:D.NumberSamples)]); % controls data integrity... if D.d(end) ~= xn warning('RDMSEED:DataIntegrity','Problem in %s sequence # %s [%s]: data integrity check failed, last_data=%d, Xn=%d.\n', ... D.EncodingFormatName{:},D.SequenceNumber,D.RecordStartTimeISO,D.d(end),xn); end if D.NumberSamples == 0 D.d = nan(0,1); end % for debug purpose... if verbose > 2 D.dd = dd; D.nibbles = nibbles; D.x0 = x0; D.xn = xn; end case 12 % --- decoding format: GEOSCOPE multiplexed 24-bit integer D.EncodingFormatName = {'GEOSCOPE24'}; dd = fread(fid,(D.DataRecordSize - D.OffsetBeginData)/3,'bit24=>double'); if xor(~WordOrder,le) dd = swapbytes(dd); end D.d = dd(1:D.NumberSamples); case {13,14} % --- decoding format: GEOSCOPE multiplexed 16/3 and 16/4 bit gain ranged % (13): 16/3-bit (bit 15 is unused) % (14): 16/4-bit % bits 15-12 = 3 or 4-bit gain exponent (positive) % bits 11-0 = 12-bit mantissa (positive) % => data = (mantissa - 2048) / 2^gain geoscope = 7 + 8*(EncodingFormat==14); % mask for gain exponent D.EncodingFormatName = {sprintf('GEOSCOPE16-%d',EncodingFormat-10)}; dd = fread(fid,(D.DataRecordSize - D.OffsetBeginData)/2,'*uint16'); if xor(~WordOrder,le) dd = swapbytes(dd); end dd = (double(bitand(dd,2^12-1))-2^11)./2.^double(bitand(bitshift(dd,-12),geoscope)); D.d = dd(1:D.NumberSamples); case 15 % --- decoding format: US National Network compression D.EncodingFormatName = {'USNN'}; uncoded = 1; case 16 % --- decoding format: CDSN 16-bit gain ranged D.EncodingFormatName = {'CDSN'}; uncoded = 1; case 17 % --- decoding format: Graefenberg 16-bit gain ranged D.EncodingFormatName = {'GRAEFENBERG'}; uncoded = 1; case 18 % --- decoding format: IPG - Strasbourg 16-bit gain ranged D.EncodingFormatName = {'IPGS'}; uncoded = 1; case 30 % --- decoding format: SRO format D.EncodingFormatName = {'SRO'}; uncoded = 1; case 31 % --- decoding format: HGLP format D.EncodingFormatName = {'HGLP'}; uncoded = 1; case 32 % --- decoding format: DWWSSN gain ranged format D.EncodingFormatName = {'DWWSSN'}; uncoded = 1; case 33 % --- decoding format: RSTN 16-bit gain ranged D.EncodingFormatName = {'RSTN'}; uncoded = 1; otherwise D.EncodingFormatName = {sprintf('** Unknown (%d) **',EncodingFormat)}; uncoded = 1; end if uncoded error('Sorry, the encoding format "%s" is not yet implemented.',D.EncodingFormatName); end % Applies time correction (if needed) D.RecordStartTimeMATLAB = datenum(double([D.RecordStartTime(1),0,D.RecordStartTime(2:5)])) ... + (~notc & bitand(D.ActivityFlags,2) == 0)*D.TimeCorrection/1e4/86400; tv = datevec(D.RecordStartTimeMATLAB); doy = datenum(tv(1:3)) - datenum(tv(1),1,0); D.RecordStartTime = [tv(1),doy,tv(4:5),round(tv(6)*1e4)/1e4]; D.RecordStartTimeISO = sprintf('%4d-%03d %02d:%02d:%07.4f',D.RecordStartTime); D.t = D.RecordStartTimeMATLAB; % makes the time vector and applies time correction (if needed) if EncodingFormat > 0 D.t = D.t + (0:(D.NumberSamples-1))'/(D.SampleRate*86400); end offset = ftell(fid); fread(fid,1,'char'); % this is to force EOF=1 on last record. if feof(fid) offset = -1; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function c = splitfield(s,d) % splitfield(S) splits string S of D-character separated field names C = textscan(s,'%s','Delimiter',d); c = C{1}; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [d,swapflag] = readbtime % readbtime reads BTIME structure from current opened file and returns % D = [YEAR,DAY,HOUR,MINUTE,SECONDS] global fid forcebe Year = fread(fid,1,'*uint16'); DayOfYear = fread(fid,1,'*uint16'); Hours = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); Minutes = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); Seconds = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); fseek(fid,1,0); % skip 1 byte (unused) Seconds0001 = fread(fid,1,'*uint16'); % Automatic detection of little/big-endian encoding % -- by F. Beauducel, March 2014 -- % % If the 2-byte day is >= 512, the file is not opened in the correct % endianness. If the day is 1 or 256, there is a possible byte-swap and we % need to check also the year; but we need to consider what is a valid year: % - years from 1801 to 2047 are OK (swapbytes >= 2312) % - years from 2048 to 2055 are OK (swapbytes <= 1800) % - year 2056 is ambiguous (swapbytes = 2056) % - years from 2057 to 2311 are OK (swapbytes >= 2312) % - year 1799 is ambiguous (swapbytes = 1799) % - year 1800 is suspicious (swapbytes = 2055) % % Thus, the only cases for which we are 'sure' there is a byte-swap, are: % - day >= 512 % - (day == 1 or day == 256) and (year < 1799 or year > 2311) % % Note: in IRIS libmseed, the test is only year>2050 or year<1920. if ~forcebe && (DayOfYear >= 512 || (ismember(DayOfYear,[1,256]) && (Year > 2311 || Year < 1799))) swapflag = 1; Year = swapbytes(Year); DayOfYear = swapbytes(DayOfYear); Seconds0001 = swapbytes(Seconds0001); else swapflag = 0; end d = [double(Year),double(DayOfYear),Hours,Minutes,Seconds + double(Seconds0001)/1e4]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function d = bitsplit(x,b,n) % bitsplit(X,B,N) splits the B-bit number X into signed N-bit array % X must be unsigned integer class % N ranges from 1 to B % B is a multiple of N sign = repmat((b:-n:n)',1,size(x,1)); x = repmat(x',b/n,1); d = double(bitand(bitshift(x,flipud(sign-b)),2^n-1)) ... - double(bitget(x,sign))*2^n; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function d = bitsign(x,n) % bitsign(X,N) returns signed double value from unsigned N-bit number X. % This is equivalent to bitsplit(X,N,N), but the formula is simplified so % it is much more efficient d = double(bitand(x,2^n-1)) - double(bitget(x,n)).*2^n;
Way too much code to be practical to look at here...I'd suggest creating a small demo that illustraties what is wanted using just a few lines of code and sample data. Post it as code such that it can be run by others that may want to help but not to wade through so much extraneous code...
Not having any data to run the code against, even if somebody was willing to try to dive in an figure out just what is going on, they can't.
It certainly is not at all clear what you have in mind; you would have a problem using the values of YTickLabels as legend entries unless you somehow are controlling that the number of ticks/tick labels matches the number of elements in the axes and this doesn't appear to be so in any evidence of any code to do such in the area in which legend occurs...
Of course, one can always do something like
plot(rand(1,10),'-x'), xlim([1 10])
Warning: Ignoring extra legend entries.
You get the warning, of course, because there are always going to be multiple yticks and yticklabels to go with them unless you somehow make those match.
It doesn't seem like this would really be what is intended unless the yticklabels were to be categorical variables or somesuch, but then that wouldn't seem to match what the code appears to be plotting as numeric data.
Without a real case example, there's simply insufficient information to have a klew as to what might be expected result here...
dpb on 6 Jan 2025
We don't have your code in a runnable form and the Answers forum interactive tools are not a development environment.
To get an anwswer here, you'll need to extract the small piece from the whole and submit it as executable code and then explain what, specifically, is not what you expected. It can be as simple as what I showed with random or made-up representative data; it doesn't really appear the data itself is of significance to the underlying Q?, but we really don't yet know what that is...

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Accepted Answer

Voss on 6 Jan 2025
In general, you'll need to modify all the legend calls, but for this particular .mseed file, the only adjustment to rdmseed.m you need to make is to change line 210 from legend to legend(un{i}). See attached modified m-file and resulting plot below.
Voss on 6 Jan 2025
Refer to the attached file, which is a version that creates the lines with different colors in a single figure.
Ancalagon8 on 6 Jan 2025
Thank again @Voss, works like a charm!

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