Group-wise mean in multi-dimensional array (part II)

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I have a 256*256*515 double array. It represents 515 images by the dimension of 256*256. Along the 515 axis, every 5 images belong to the same group. I would like to take the element-wise block mean every 5 elements such that my cell array may be condensed into 256*256*103. How may I do that?
I had success applying reshape function to 2D arrays, but am not quite sure how to proceed in this case.
Thank you very much!

Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 14 Oct 2015
This works, right?
M = rand(256,256,515); % Use your actual data here
M_r = reshape(M,256,256,103,5);
M_r_mean = mean(M_r,4);
dpb on 14 Oct 2015
Ah-so, cycler! Wasn't thinking of using another dimension earlier. That's very good; will have to remember that going forward.

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