How do I shorten my code to prevent writing the same thing over and over?

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code I am using is as follows:
for i=1:length(Rpeaks) %starts at first peak which is first whole step
%if i==1
if Rpeaks(i)-halfsegment<0
window=(1:Rpeaks(i)+halfsegment); %takes into account that the forces don't start a full halfsegment prior to first valley
step=GRFright(window); %assign the step the actual data values
normstep=(step./max(step)); %normalize the step
toeoff=find(normstep < min(normstep)+.05 , 1);
heelstrike=find(normstep(toeoff:end) > min(normstep)+.05 , 1);% 1st zero location; syntax of ,1 returns first satisfying value
elseif Rpeaks(i)+halfsegment>length(GRFright)
step=GRFright(window); %assign the step the actual data values
normstep=(step./max(step)); %normalize the step
toeoff=find(normstep < min(normstep)+.05 , 1);
heelstrike=find(normstep(toeoff:end) > min(normstep)+.05 , 1);% 1st zero location; syntax of ,1 returns first satisfying value
window=(Rpeaks(i)-halfsegment:Rpeaks(i)+halfsegment); %find window of frames-100 added to catch full end of step
step=GRFright(window); %assign the step the actual data values
normstep=(step./max(step)); %normalize the step
toeoff=find(normstep < min(normstep)+.05 , 1);
heelstrike=find(normstep(toeoff:end) > min(normstep)+.05 , 1);% 1st zero location; syntax of ,1 returns first satisfying value
within the for loop I have the same lines written three times after the "If statement" defining what the window should be. Is there a way to shorten the code so I only have to make one change for each condition when necessary? Thanks in advance.

Accepted Answer

dpb on 14 Jan 2016
Edited: dpb on 14 Jan 2016
if Rpeaks(i)-halfsegment<0
window=(1:Rpeaks(i)+halfsegment); %takes into account that the forces don't start a full halfsegment prior to first valley
elseif Rpeaks(i)+halfsegment>length(GRFright)
window=(Rpeaks(i)-halfsegment:Rpeaks(i)+halfsegment); %find window of frames-100 added to catch full end of step
step=GRFright(window); %assign the step the actual data values
normstep=(step./max(step)); %normalize the step
toeoff=find(normstep < min(normstep)+.05 , 1);
heelstrike=find(normstep(toeoff:end) > min(normstep)+.05 , 1);% 1st zero location; syntax of ,1 returns first satisfying value
The above presumes that the increment on n is missing inside the first two conditions; if not, you're overwriting the arrays until the else case is selected so might as well throw them away, anyway.
Might be more legible if used select case end construct rather than the if elseif else end but that's also somewhat in the eye of the beholder.
Tom Ruopp
Tom Ruopp on 14 Jan 2016
Thanks so much. Kind of embarrassingly easy fix. Ill look into the select case as well.
dpb on 14 Jan 2016
Sometimes it takes a fresh eye. The key here is, of course, that what you do once you set the window is identical; it gets harder where there's some that is, but some that isn't. Then factoring can become quite a trick.

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