find length of a field within structure and specific values

81 views (last 30 days)
I create a structure using the script below. I would like to know how can I find the length of each field and how can I find specific values within them?
Thank you very much
for ii = 1 : length(SplitDom);
Name_DomCoord = strcat('DomCoord',num2str(ii));
variable.(Name_DomCoord) = model.geom(Name_Geom).obj(SplitDom(ii)).getVertexCoord();

Accepted Answer

Sruthi Geetha
Sruthi Geetha on 30 Jan 2017
"getfield" function can be used to get the value of each field in the array. Refer the following link to know how to use the "getfield" function:
The length of each field in the array can be found by using "structfun" in combination with "numel" function.
For example:
clear s; % save old stuff!
% r =

More Answers (1)

George Abrahams
George Abrahams on 30 Dec 2022
The problem with the structfun approach is that the array output relates to the structure's field order. If you don't want to rely on a particular field order and/or want to keep the field names for readability, you could use my fieldfun function on File Exchange / GitHub. It's like structfun, but it outputs a structure with the same fields as the input structure.
variable = struct( 'DomCoord1', 1, 'DomCoord2', [2 3], ...
'DomCoord3', [4 5 6] );
fieldfun( @numel, variable )
% ans = struct with fields:
% DomCoord1: 1
% DomCoord2: 2
% DomCoord3: 3


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