Error with design MPC

5 views (last 30 days)
rowida said
rowida said on 22 Jan 2019
Answered: Kothuri on 17 Jan 2025 at 11:57
For this demo
mdl = 'mpc_linearization';
Iam tring to design MPC but it always gives error
"Cannot linearize..."
"Could not linearize. You may consider first obtaining a linear model from a Linearization task and then using it in MPC design."

Answers (1)

Kothuri on 17 Jan 2025 at 11:57
The error encountered is due to the Simulink model cannot be linearized around the operating point as the model contains blocks or components that are inherently nonlinear or cannot be linearized or the model's solver configuration may not be compatible with the linearization process.
You can try the following steps for linearization:
  • Open the model and navigate to Apps > Control Design > Linear Analysis.
  • In the Linear Analysis Tool:
  1. Select the input and output points for linearization (these are typically your MPC input and output).
  2. Compute the linear model using "Bode plot" or "Step Response" analysis.
  • If successful, export the linear model to the MATLAB workspace and use it for the MPC design
  • Identify components in the model that may not be linearizable.
  • Replace such blocks with linear approximations.
You can refer the below documentation links for more info on "Linearization":





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