HDL Workflow Advisor change the name of the generated header file

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Using Simulink to create a model and HDL Workflow Advisor to generate an IPCore. The DUT for which I'm creating an IPCore contains multiple AXI mapped inputs and outputs. HDLWorkflow Advisor creates a header file with the AXI addresses of these AXI registers. The generated header file is created in hdl_prj\ipcore\dutname\include\dutname_addr.h
Can I change this header file name, e.g. dutname_addr_newname.h? I don't see any setting where this filename is set and would allow me to change it, is it just hardcoded somewhere?

Accepted Answer

Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali on 3 Jan 2020
This header file has the same name as the IP core. The IP core name can be set in Task 3.2 “Generate RTL Code and IP Core”. Can you try customizing the IP core name in that step?
Please feel free to reach out to support@mathworks.com for additional customization questions on HDLCoder IP Core Generation.

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