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cycle for integrating vector sections

1 view (last 30 days)
Lev Mihailov
Lev Mihailov on 21 Jul 2020
Commented: Alan Stevens on 21 Jul 2020
Hello! I have a vector that I need to integrate over the sections, the length of the section is 3
% now I use such a loop, but it gives me 900 answers, but should 300
for i=1:length(Fi)
x=Fi(i:i+2); % +2 I need to integrate sections (3 values ​​per section)
% x=900 % 300
% Fi vector 1:900 %

Answers (1)

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 21 Jul 2020
Perhaps you should have something like:
for i=1:4:length(Fi)-2
x=Fi(i:i+2); % +2 I need to integrate sections (3 values ​​per section)
Lev Mihailov
Lev Mihailov on 21 Jul 2020
i tested this method but it didn't help me
Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 21 Jul 2020
It does what you appeared to be asking for, i.e. reduces the number of sections by a factor of 3. What problem remains?

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