How to plot two lines with different scales in MATLAB?

4 views (last 30 days)
I have attached the dataset I have
y = readtable('t.csv');
The dataset has 4 columns: ignoring the first one, the second one indicates "Date" and the other two columns, respectively, data1 and data2 with different scales.
I want to plot the two series in one graphs but on the y-axes the different scales. Besides, on the x.axis I would like to display "Date". However, the series is not regularly monthly. I don't know how to take care of it as well.
I have been trying with "yyaxis" but I got nothing out of it.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks a lot!

Accepted Answer

dpb on 6 Dec 2020
So what, specifically did you try and what didn't work? Seems straightforward...
yyaxis right
I can guess 'Sentiment', what is IP?
  1 Comment
Armando MAROZZI on 6 Dec 2020
Thanks a lot! I made a very silly mistake in selecting the right columns! thanks again

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