Pre-determining the number of lines in a text file
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Matt J
on 4 Jul 2013
Commented: Richard Crozier
on 14 Aug 2019
Is there any programmatic way of determining in advance the number of lines in a text file, for use with dlmread, textscan, etc...? I mean other than some brute force way like reading line by line in a while loop until EOF is hit.
Chris Volpe
on 26 Apr 2019
I realize this has been dormant for 5 years, and the API/behavior may have changed since then, but dlmread does the trick for me. I have a .csv (comma separated value) ASCII text file with 320 lines, and 240 comma-separated ASCII floating point numbers (including 'nan') on each line. I just do a plain vanilla "M = dlmread(filename);" and I get a 320x240 matrix in M.
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 4 Jul 2013
The only operating system that MATLAB has ever run on that supported that ability was DEC's VMS, and for technical reasons VMS's facility for that could not be used with MATLAB.
The modern treatment of "lines" as being delimited by a particular character or character pair (e.g., LF or CR+LF) does not offer any way to count the lines short of reading through the file and counting the delimiters.
on 4 Jul 2013
Well on that note, it isn't hard for you to write a simple function that can do that...
More Answers (8)
on 4 Jul 2013
Edited: Guru
on 4 Jul 2013
Just out of boredom, here's a function:
function n = linecount(fid)
n = 0;
tline = fgetl(fid);
while ischar(tline)
tline = fgetl(fid);
n = n+1;
Edited: Thanks for comment Walter
Walter Roberson
on 10 Jan 2017
Earlier I wrote that feof() never predicts end-of-file. That is true, but I was missing some information about the operation of fgetl and fgets that I just noticed today:
"After each read operation, fgetl and fgets check the next character in the file for the end-of-file marker. Therefore, these functions sometimes set the end-of-file indicator before they return a value of -1.
This behavior does not conform to the ANSI specifications for the related C language functions." (emphasis added)
on 29 Oct 2014
Another approach is to use the underlying operating system's functionality. Specifically, UNIX/Linux (i.e. also Mac) include a command line method 'wc -l [filename]' to get the line count of [filename].
To implement in MATLAB you could do something like this
if (~ispc)
[status, cmdout]= system('wc -l filenameOfInterest.txt');
scanCell = textscan(cmdout,'%u %s');
lineCount = scanCell{1};
fprintf(1,'Failed to find line count of %s\n',filenameOfInterest.txt);
lineCount = -1;
fprintf(1,'Sorry, I don''t know what the equivalent is for a windows system\n');
lineCount = -1;
1 Comment
Ian McInerney
on 30 Apr 2017
Edited: Ian McInerney
on 30 Apr 2017
There is actually an equivalent command for Windows-based systems using the command line. It is discussed in some length here:
The command to run in the command prompt is:
find /c /v "" filename.txt
Which can then be used in the else condition in your if-check.
% For Windows-based systems
[status, cmdout] = system(['find /c /v "" ', filename]);
scanCell = textscan(cmdout,'%s %s %u');
lineCount = scanCell{3};
disp(['Found ', num2str(lineCount), ' lines in the file']);
disp('Unable to determine number of lines in the file');
Walter Roberson
on 10 Jan 2017
function n = linecount(filename)
[fid, msg] = fopen(filename);
if fid < 0
error('Failed to open file "%s" because "%s"', filename, msg);
n = 0;
while true
t = fgetl(fid);
if ~ischar(t)
n = n + 1;
I have tested this with files that end with newline and with files that do not end with newline.
on 9 Oct 2017
@Peter: fread(fptr) does read the complete file and stores each byte in a double. Prefer: fread(fptr, Inf, '*uint8'), which uses less memory.
Walter Roberson
on 9 Oct 2017
Just counting the \n can give an off-by-one error. You need to know if the final \n has any characters following it or not.
has two lines.
has three lines
has three lines.
on 10 Jan 2017
I came across this code a while ago which is reasonably fast and works well on large files:
fid = fopen(strFileName, 'rt');
chunksize = 1e6; % read chuncks of 1MB at a time
numRows = 1;
while ~feof(fid)
ch = fread(fid, chunksize, '*uchar');
if isempty(ch)
numRows = numRows + sum(ch == sprintf('\n'));
strFileName is the file name for the ascii file
numRows has the total number of lines
Now, the only problem remains efficiently testing for blank lines before using csvread \ dlmread to read (sizeable) chunks of the file (ie my code is thrown if the csv file ends in a blank line so it would be nice if I could test and count the number of blank lines at the end of my files...
on 17 Jul 2017
Or used the code above and check if the file ends in 0A:
if ch(end)==10
Richard Crozier
on 14 Aug 2019
This is a great answer, worked great for me on a 5GB text file of point cloud data.
Ken Atwell
on 30 Oct 2014
If we can make two assumptions:
- ASCII #10 is a reliable end-of-line marker
- The entire file will fit into memory (that is, we're not talking about Big Data)
I would do the following (using the help for the plot command in this example):
txt=fileread(fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'matlab', 'graph2d', 'plot.m'));
This will be fast... certainly faster than "fgetl" approach, but maybe not as fast as the "wc" approach Hyatt put forth above (assuming you can live without Windows platform support).
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 10 Jan 2017
Files are not required to end with a line terminator, but they might. So a file with 3 lines might have either 2 linefeeds (separating line 1 from line 2, separating line 2 from line 3, nothing at end of file), or 3 linefeeds (one at the end of each line.) The above code would count 4 if this hypothetical file ended with linefeed (as is more common than not.)
Dr. Erol Kalkan, P.E.
on 19 May 2016
Edited: Matt J
on 19 May 2016
Here is a short and fast way: Say file name to be read is apk.txt
fid = fopen('apk.txt','r');
Nrows = numel(textread('apk.txt','%1c%*[^\n]'));
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 19 May 2016
textread is deprecated.
How is your routine going to treat empty lines? I think the result is going to depend upon whether the file is CR/LF or LF delimited: in the CR/LF case the %1c is going to read the CR, leaving the LF to be matched by the %*[^\n], but in the LF case, the %1c is going to read the LF, moving the next line into position to be matched by the %*[^\n]
on 10 Jan 2017
The determination of the number of lines require to read the file and interprete the line breaks. This means some real work and the disk access is the bottleneck in this case. Therefore e.g. importing the file to a cell string is not remarkably faster if you determine the number of lines at first. If the number of lines is determined initially, the main work would still be to "guess" a suiting buffer size for importing the lines. This requires either a copy of each line from the buffer to the Matlab string, or to realloc the imported string and allocate a new input buffer for each line.
I find it disappointing, that Matlab does not have a simple tool to import a text file to a cell string. Even the way to split a string (e.g. imported by fileread) to a cell considering the DOS/Linux/Mac linebreaks needed tools like strread, dataread, textread, textscan and regexp('split') which are not available in all Matlab versions and frequently outdated. Therefore I tried to write an efficient C-Mex again for the FileExchange. But the results have been grim: The best approaches have been only some percent faster than fread, replacing the different linebreaks by char(10) and calling a "Str2Cell" C-Mex. Neither counting the lines nor smart prediction techniques for a dynamic buffer allocation for the single lines accelerated the code sufficiently. The bottleneck of the disk access rules everything, even if the data are available in the cache already. For real file access, when the data are not read seconds before already and cached, all smart tricks are useless.
I think this is the reason why Matlab and many other tools do not contain a function for determine the number of lines in a text file.
If I find the time, I will try to write a LineCount.mex function, but I do not expect it to be much faster than Walter's Matlab approach.
John BG
on 10 Jan 2017
hi Matt
the command importdata returns a cell with all lines that are not empty of a text file.
The amount of elements of this cell is equal to the amount of lines of the text file.
if you find these lines useful would you please mark my answer as Accepted Answer?
To any other reader, if you find this answer of any help please click on the thumbs-up vote link,
thanks in advance for time and attention
John BG
Walter Roberson
on 10 Jan 2017
People other than Matt J read this, so before they implement the importdata() approach they need to know about its limitations. It is a nice compact expression that works well (if perhaps less efficient than it could be) under the circumstance of a file containing a single column of (pure) numeric values; unfortunately it turns out to be fragile if that condition is not met.
See Also
Find more on Text Files in Help Center and File Exchange
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