inpolygon function within forloop help

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I am writing a script that reads in geolocated data, bins the data along a grid, and calculates the mean of the binned data for each grid cell. Essentially, I am wanting to create a raster, but the figure output suggests that I am not binning points in the correct location. If you wouldn't mind, could you take a look at my code and see if I am missing something? I've been working on this for a week now and still haven't made progress.
Thank you in advance!
%Before this code snippet, I load in variables from a csv file x, y, and t.
%x and y are locational data, t is time.
x_bin_edges = (234399:3:235602)';%Vector of x direction bin edges
y_bin_edges = flip(4325799:3:4327002)';%Vector of y direction bin edges
raster_mean = zeros(length(x_bin_edges)-1,length(y_bin_edges)-1);%Allocate a vector space
for i = 1:length(x_bin_edges)-1
for j = 1:length(y_bin_edges)-1
in = inpolygon(x,y,[x_bin_edges(i),x_bin_edges(i+1)],[y_bin_edges(j),y_bin_edges(j+1)]);
if sum(in) < 1%Output NaN's for grid cells that do not have any values.
raster_mean(i,j) = NaN;
elseif sum(in) > 0%Output the mean of the data (t) within the grid
raster_mean(i,j) = mean(t(in));
When I plot the data, I get the following:
As you can (hopefully) see, the red +'s are the plotted locations of the original data, whereas the colored grid cells is the plotted raster_mean calculated in the for loop. Not only do the data not line up, but the plot seems to suggest missing information.
Randall Bonnell
Randall Bonnell on 26 May 2021
Thank you for your comment! Prior to these lines of code, I read in a tiff:
[M,R] = readgeoraster('data.tif','OutputType','double');
northing_lim = [4325800 4327000];
easting_lim = [234400 235600];
[M,R] = mapcrop(M,R,easting_lim,northing_lim);
I then use the R, which is a map cells reference structure to map raster_mean.
...I am also realizing that the limits in the northing_lim and easting_lim do not match the limits set by x_bin_edges and y_bin_edges...That may actually be my issue.
Randall Bonnell
Randall Bonnell on 27 May 2021
Thank you for your help on this question! I apologize for my non-specificity.

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 26 May 2021
I don't see anything wrong with your code, but this might be simpler:
m=numel(x_bin_edges)-1; n=numel(y_bin_edges)-1;
[~,~,~,binX,binY] = histcounts2(x,y,x_bin_edges,y_bin_edges);
Randall Bonnell
Randall Bonnell on 26 May 2021
Hi again @Matt J,
Thank you so much for this suggestion. I'll attempt to use it and see if it improves the run-time.
Randall Bonnell
Randall Bonnell on 27 May 2021
That did the trick. Thank you so much for your help, it seemed like the inpolygon function wasn't binning data along the edges of the bins.

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