How to plot all curves according to their XY coordinates?

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In the figure attached below, each VT curve have XY cordinates. I want to plot these curves according to the XY coordinate position. How I can write my figure code. Suppose the X nd Y coordinates of first line (left side) are ''XY location X = 458158.62, Y = 6526223.5''. Similarly all the other curves have XY location values. How I can incorporate XY positions in such a way that these plots are according to respective coordinates.
Nisar Ahmed
Nisar Ahmed on 27 Aug 2021
Now I have z file as well. Please see the attached data:
I want to plot imagesc(d, TWTi, vp). I mean TWTi along y axis and is common for all vp curves. while d is the distance between each vp curve.
Can you please help me to produce a figure?
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 27 Aug 2021
Sorry, but I really don't know what the question is. If you want to plot imagesc(d, TWTi, vp), what's preventing you from doing so? And how does that relate to the line plot in your question?

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Accepted Answer

Chunru on 27 Aug 2021
Edited: Chunru on 27 Aug 2021
load d_data.mat
load TWTi_data.mat
load vp_data_plotting.mat
vpmax = max(vp(:));
vpmin = min(vp(:));
vpave = mean(vp(:));
deltad = (max(d)-min(d))/length(d);
v = (vp - vpave)/(vpmax-vpmin) * deltad * 2 + d;
plot(v, TWT1i);
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse');
p = pcolor(d, TWT1i, vp);
p.EdgeColor = 'none';
axis ij

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