Problem 44079. GJam 2017 Kickstart: Leader (Large)

This Challenge is derived from GJam 2017 Kickstart Leader. This is the first 61 large cases with spaces in some names.

Google Code Jam 2017 Qualifier is March 7, 2017. Typically four challenges with small and large aspects with 27 hours to complete.

The GJam story is to determine the rightful leader. The leader is the person whose name utilizes the most unique letters, spaces do not count, and if two or more people are tied then the leader is the one whom comes first alphabetically, with space preceding A, given a list of 100 or fewer names.

Input: [names], a cell array of names using only A thru Z; max 100 names

Output: [Leader], a string of the name of the leader

Examples: [names] [Leader]; {'ADAM' 'BOBOS' 'AD AM'} ['AD AM']

For the example the all have have three unique letters. Alpahabetically 'AD AM' precedes 'ADAM' and 'BOBOS'.

Theory: Brute force processing appears to be the way. Methodical processing and function usage can minimize code size. GJam Kickstart solutions(C++,Python).

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57.69% Correct | 42.31% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Apr 01, 2023

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