Custom Target Development for ARM Cortex A
This video series includes hands-on tutorials for developing a custom Embedded Coder® target for a hardware platform based on ARM Cortex A. BeagleBone Black is used as an example hardware platform with Embedded Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-A Processors. Prerequisites include familiarity with BeagleBone Black, object-oriented programming with MATLAB®, and a working knowledge of Simulink®.
This is part one in a series on developing a custom Embedded Coder target for a hardware platform based on ARM Cortex A processor.
This is part of a series on developing a custom Embedded Coder target for a hardware platform based on ARM Cortex A processor. A new ARM Cortex A-based target is registered in the Simulink environment.
Application Deployment Feature
This is part of a series on developing an Embedded Coder target for a hardware platform based on ARM Cortex A processor. In this tutorial, the first feature is added to the target―the application deployment feature.
This is part of a series on developing an Embedded Coder target for a hardware platform based on ARM Cortex A processor. In this tutorial, the scheduling feature is added to the target.
Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL) Feature
This video is part of a series on developing an Embedded Coder target for an ARM Cortex A-based hardware platform. In this tutorial, the Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL) feature is added.
This video is part of a series on developing an Embedded Coder target for an ARM Cortex A-based hardware platform. Use the ARM Cortex A SDK to build a target for Beaglebone Black and add the external mode feature.
This is part of a series on developing an Embedded Coder target for an ARM Cortex A-based hardware platform. This tutorial provides a quick overview of the code optimization feature.
Overview of Profiling Capabilities
This is the last part in a series on developing an Embedded Coder target for an ARM Cortex A-based hardware platform. In this tutorial, a quick overview of profiling capabilities is provided.