Signal Processing and Wireless – Webinar Series
Signal processing is essential for a wide range of applications from data science to real-time embedded systems. The design, simulation, and analysis of the latest wireless technologies or radar systems is complex because the design space spans multiple engineering domains. Scientists and engineers are exploring non-classical signal processing methodologies like artificial intelligence to address applications like cognitive radar and software-defined radios.
In this webinar series, see how you can use MATLAB® and Simulink® to develop advanced signal processing systems.
Wireless Connectivity with MATLAB
Learn about new capabilities in MATLAB and Simulink for Wireless standards modeling and workflow for implementing wireless algorithms on FPGA hardware.
Hybrid Beamforming for 5G Applications
Learn how the challenges in beamforming during initial access as well as during tracking of connected mobiles can be addressed using MATLAB
Artificial Intelligence for Radar and Wireless Communication
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is powering a massive shift in the roles that computers play in our personal and professional lives. AI workflows such as deep learning and machine learning are transforming industries with high impact. Radar and Wireless Communication industry is not exceptional from this AI mega trend.
Prototype and Deploy Deep Learning Networks on FPGAs and SoCs
Learn about how you can prototype deep learning inference on FPGA from within MATLAB
Design, Analyze and Implement Radar Systems in MATLAB
Learn how you can improve the efficiency of your radar system design process with MATLAB and Simulink.
Knowledge based Radar using MATLAB
Knowledge based radar has the capability of performing perception of the environment, learn from its surroundings using memory, and act and update the memory based on the feedback.
Design, Evaluate and Implement SoC Hardware and Software Architectures
Discover how you can improve the efficiency of your radar system design process with MATLAB and Simulink.
Simplifying Physical Layer Design Using Model-Based Design Approach in Simulink
Learn about customized physical layers (L1) design for Software Defined Radios and the challenges in implementing them in hardware.