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Write data to RESTful web service


response = webwrite(url,PostName1,PostValue1,...,PostNameN,PostValueN) writes content to the web service specified by url and returns the response in response. The input arguments PostName1,PostValue1,...,PostNameN,PostValueN specify the content to write as one or more pairs of parameter names and values. webwrite form-encodes the content in the body of an HTTP POST request to the web service. The web service defines response.

The web service provides a RESTful interface that returns data formatted as an internet media type, such as JSON, XML, image, or text.


response = webwrite(url,data) posts data to the web service specified by url and sets the media type based on data.

The input argument data specifies the content to write as a form-encoded character array. webwrite puts data in the body of an HTTP POST request to the web service. The web service defines response.


response = webwrite(___,options) adds other HTTP request options, specified by the weboptions object options. You can specify this argument in addition to any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.

To write content as an internet media type other than a form-encoded character array ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), specify the MediaType property of options.

To request data with an HTTP POST request and read the response with a function, specify the ContentReader property of options as a handle to the function. If you specify a handle to a function that returns multiple output arguments, webwrite returns all output arguments.



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Write a number to a channel feed on the ThingSpeak™ server and read it back.

To run this code, create a ThingSpeak account. Call webwrite using the Write API key and Channel ID from your ThingSpeak account. The default field name is "field1".

thingSpeakURL = "";
thingSpeakWriteURL = thingSpeakURL + "update";
writeApiKey = "Your Write API Key";
fieldName = "field1";
fieldValue = 42;
response = webwrite(thingSpeakWriteURL,"api_key",writeApiKey,fieldName,fieldValue)

If this call to webwrite is the first update to your ThingSpeak channel, response is 1.

Read back the number you wrote to your channel. ThingSpeak provides a different URL to get the last entry to your channel. Your Channel ID is part of the URL.

channelID = num2str(Your Channel ID);
thingSpeakReadURL = thingSpeakURL + "channels/" + channelID + "/fields/" + fieldName  "/last"];
data = webread(thingSpeakReadURL,"api_key",writeApiKey)
data =


Write form-encoded character data to a web server.

httpUrl = "";
delim = "&";
pairDelim = "=";
data = 42;
data = num2str(data);
data = ["key",pairDelim,"value",delim,"field",pairDelim,data];
responseData = webwrite(httpUrl,data)
responseData = struct with fields:
    dataType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
    dataSize: '40'

Write a database record as a JSON object.

httpsUrl = "";
employee(1).Name = "Jon";
employee(1).Occupation = "Doctor";
employee(2).Name = "Sarah";
employee(2).Occupation = "Engineer";
options = weboptions("MediaType","application/json");
responseEmployee = webwrite(httpsUrl,employee,options)
responseEmployee = struct with fields:
    dataType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
    dataSize: '79'

Write a number and a specific date to a channel feed on the ThingSpeak server. Read the number and date back.

To run this code, create a ThingSpeak account. Call webwrite using the Write API key and Channel ID from your ThingSpeak account. Specify the date for the feed entry with a datetime value.

thingSpeakURL = "";
thingSpeakWriteURL = thingSpeakURL + "update";
writeApiKey = "Your Write API Key";
fieldName = "field1";
fieldValue = 42;
D = datetime(2015,3,22,8,15,30,"Format","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
response = webwrite(thingSpeakWriteURL,"api_key",writeApiKey, ...

If this call to webwrite is the first update to your ThingSpeak channel, response is 1.

Read back the last entry to your channel. ThingSpeak provides a different URL to get the last entry to your channel. Append last.json to the URL to get the data as a JSON object. Your Channel ID is part of the URL.

channelID = num2str(Your Channel ID);
thingSpeakReadURL = thingSpeakURL + "channels/" + channelID + "/fields/" ...
    + fieldName + "/last.json";
data = webread(thingSpeakReadURL,"api_key",writeApiKey)
data = 

    created_at: '2015-03-22T08:15:30Z'
      entry_id: 1
        field1: '42'

The date in the created_at field matches the date specified in D.

Write two pairs of parameter names and values to The site returns the POST parameters of the request.

uri ="");
res = webwrite(uri,"field1","hello ","field2","world");
ans = 

  struct with fields:

    field1: 'hello '
    field2: 'world'

Input Arguments

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URL to a web service, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Include the transfer protocol. Only http and https are supported. The web service implements a RESTful interface. See RESTful for more information.

Web service post parameters, specified as one or more pairs of parameter names and values. A PostName argument must be a character vector or string scalar that specifies the name of a post parameter. A PostValue argument must be a character vector, a string scalar, or a numeric, logical, or datetime value that specifies the value of the post parameter. Numeric, logical, and datetime values can be in arrays. The web service defines the parameters that it accepts as part of a request. webwrite encodes the parameters as a form-encoded character array in the body of an HTTP POST request and sets the content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded by default.

When you specify PostValue as a datetime value, you must specify its Format property so that it is consistent with the format required by the web service. If the Format property includes a time zone or offset, and the datetime value is not zoned, then webwrite specifies "Local" as the time zone.

When a PostValue argument contains multiple values in an array, specify the ArrayFormat property of a weboptions object to form-encode the array as required by the web service.

Example: webwrite("","term","webwrite","duration",7) retrieves a list of files uploaded to the File Exchange within the past seven days that contain the function webwrite. The File Exchange web service defines the term and duration parameters.

Data to write to a web service, specified as a character vector, a string scalar, or as a numeric scalar, cell, logical scalar, or structure for MediaType value "json", or as a Document Object Model for MediaType value "XML". If data is a character vector or string scalar, then webwrite sends it without conversion. All other types are converted based on the weboptions.MediaType value. For more information, see RFC 6838 Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures on the RFC Editor website.

Additional HTTP request options, specified as a weboptions object. See weboptions for all request options, which are listed as weboptions properties.

Output Arguments

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Response from a web service, returned as a scalar, array, structure, or table.

More About

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REST stands for representational state transfer, a common architectural style for web services. RESTful interfaces provide standard HTTP methods, such as GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE.


  • For functionality not supported by the RESTful web services functions, see Call Web Services from MATLAB Using HTTP.

  • The web services APIs only support HTTP 1.1.

  • The webwrite function writes PostName,PostValue input arguments as form-encoded character arrays. If you also specify the options input argument, then its MediaType property must be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".

  • webwrite cannot convert datetime values to JSON because JSON does not define a standard date format.

  • webwrite puts PostName,PostValue query parameters into the body of the message regardless of the value of the RequestMethod property of options.

  • For information on how to specify proxy server settings, see Proxy Server Authentication.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2015a

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