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Verification, Validation, and Test

Verify and validate embedded systems

Systematic verification increases confidence that your design accurately implements your requirements and that your tests fully exercise those requirements. Early in development, you can create a high-level system model and link to system requirements. The system model can serve as an executable specification and basis for more detailed models.

Using these MathWorks® products to complement Model-Based Design, you can:

  • Trace requirements to architecture, design, tests, and code.

  • Confirm that your design meets requirements and is free of critical run-time errors.

  • Check compliance and measure quality of models and code.

  • Identify dead logic and generate test cases to resolve missing coverage.

  • Produce reports and artifacts, and verify that your design meets compliance standards.

You can also guide MATLAB® software development by:

  • Authoring and linking requirements to tests and code.

  • Running dynamic tests to monitor for regressions in code functionality.

  • Identifying untested code paths using industry-standard code coverage metrics.

Workflow using Model-Based Design: Start by establishing system requirements and architecture, then component requirements and architecture. Continue with unit design, implementation, and testing. Next, perform integration testing at the component level followed by embedded testing. Finish with integration and testing at the system level.


Define Requirements

Link Requirements to Designs

Identify and Eliminate Design Defects

Perform Requirements-Based Testing

Perform Code-Based Testing and Verification

Featured Examples

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