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Data Logging

Log data to workspace during model simulation for subsequent data processing

You can log simulation data to the workspace, or to a temporary file on disk, for debugging and verification. Data logging lets you analyze how internal block variables change with time during simulation. If you log simulation data, you can later query, plot, and analyze it without rerunning the simulation. You can use Simscape™ data logging and selective logging instrumentation to log block variable data.

Simscape data logging logs all variables for selected blocks or for all blocks in the model and outputs the data to the simulation log workspace variable. You can interactively visualize and navigate the Simscape data logging results with the Simscape Results Explorer tool. You can use data logging and the Simscape Results Explorer to view simulation results, instead of adding sensors and scopes to your model. To learn more, see Log, Navigate, and Plot Simulation Data.

Selective logging logs only the selected variables on the blocks with logging enabled. Simscape logs the variables to a Simulink.SimulationData.Dataset object, along with Simulink® signals. You can enable selective logging for Simscape blocks with the user interface. You can view and select block variables for logging in the Instrumentation Table without compiling the model. To visualize the selective logging results, use the Simulation Data Inspector. To learn more, see Log Selected Block Variables.

You also manage selective logging instrumentation programmatically. To learn more, see Log Selected Variables Programmatically.


Simscape Results ExplorerNavigate and plot simulation data logging results


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simscape.logging.NodeHierarchy tree for simulation data
simscape.logging.SeriesTime-value series for simulation data
simscape.logging.exportSave logged simulation data in MLDATX file
simscape.logging.importCreate simulation log variable to access data in MLDATX file
simscape.logging.plotPlot logged simulation data for Node or Series
simscape.logging.plotxyPlot logged simulation data for one node or series against another
simscape.logging.findNodeFind Node object corresponding to block or subsystem (Since R2020a)
simscape.logging.sli.findNode(To be removed) Find Node object corresponding to block or subsystem
simscape.logging.findPathFind path to node in logged simulation data tree (Since R2020a)
simscape.logging.sli.findPath(To be removed) Find path to node in logged simulation data tree
simscape.logging.getSimulationLogIdentify latest Simscape simulation log for a model (Since R2024a)
simscape.logging.timestampDetermine whether simulation log is current or stale (Since R2021a)
sscexploreOpen Simscape Results Explorer to interact with logged simulation data
sscprintzcsPrint zero crossing information for logged simulation data
simscape.instrumentation.VariableContainer for Simscape variable logging information (Since R2024a)
simscape.instrumentation.VariableTableStore and manage block variable data (Since R2024a)
simscape.instrumentation.VariableConfigurationConfiguration for variable (Since R2024a)
simscape.instrumentation.defaultVariableTableReturn default VariableTable object for block (Since R2024a)
simscape.instrumentation.setVariableTableSet the VariableTable object for a block (Since R2024a)
simscape.instrumentation.getVariableTableGet current VariableTable object for block (Since R2024a)
simscape.instrumentation.isLoggingEnabledReturn whether block variables have logging enabled (Since R2024a)

Model Settings

Log simulation dataOption to specify whether to log Simscape simulation data to workspace
Log simulation statisticsOption to specify whether to log simulation statistics as part of simulation data
Record data in Simulation Data InspectorOption to specify whether to stream Simscape data to Simulation Data Inspector
Open viewer after simulationOption to specify whether to open Simscape Results Explorer at the end of simulation run
Workspace variable nameName of workspace variable for Simscape simulation data logging
DecimationOption to reduce logged data points by skipping time steps
Limit data pointsOption to limit number of logged data points
Data history (last N steps)Number of data points to log


Simscape Data Logging

Selective Logging

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