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Get Handles and Paths

To take action programmatically in Simulink®, you must specify the target of the action. The target object can be a model, a component— such as a subsystem or library— or a model element, such as a block or signal line. To specify the target object, use a handle or path.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of Simulink handles and paths, explains how to specify a target object, and shows you how to get the handles and paths that workflow requires. You can specify target objects whose names and locations you know, or you can programmatically search for target objects that fit certain criteria. For information about how to search for target objects, see Search Programmatically.

Programmatically Specify Target of Action

Typically, to take an action programmatically, you run a function in a script or in the MATLAB® Command Line. The software uses the information you provide in the function inputs to determine the target object and how to take the action.

For example, suppose you want to change the value of a Constant block. To make the change, you can use the set_param function. In the function inputs, you must tell the software which block you want to edit, which block parameter you want to edit, and what you want the new value to be. This code changes the value of a Constant block named myBlock in a subsystem named mySubsystem in a model named myModel to 5.


myModel/mySubsystem/myBlock is a block path. A path is a string or character vector that specifies the location of a target object relative to the top level of the model. Generally, the path starts with the model name and ends with the name of the target object. Port paths can also end with a port number. See Specify Port for details. The names in the path must match the names in the model hierarchy exactly, including white spaces. For information about how to specify paths that contain multiline names or special characters, see Specify Paths That Contain Multiline Names and Special Characters.

Instead of a path, you can also provide a handle. A handle is a MATLAB data type that stores an association to a target object. When you output the value of a handle, the MATLAB Command Window displays a number. Do not try to use the displayed number, because the command window does not display all the digits and handles do not persist across Simulink sessions. Instead, store the handle value in a variable, and then use the variable to specify the target object.

To set the value of the Constant block from the previous example using a handle, get the block handle. If you have the block path, you can get the handle using the getSimulinkBlockHandle function.

h = getSimulinkBlockHandle("myModel/mySubsystem/myBlock")
ans =

Then, in the set_param function, specify the handle instead of the path as the first input argument.


For some actions, using a handle or path to specify the target object is not supported. Instead, you must provide the name of the programmatic object that specifies the attributes of the target object in the model. For example, for an annotation, specify the name of the Simulink.Annotation object.

Decide Whether to Use Handle or Path

To take action using a function, in the function documentation, check whether the function accepts only handles, only paths, or both as input arguments. If the function accepts both handles and paths, consider using handles.

  • The handle of a target object persists even when the path of the target object changes. If your code changes the path of a target object, or if you plan to do work on a model that changes the path of a target object, use handles.

  • Simulink processes handles faster than paths. To reduce run time, use handles.

For most target objects, if you have a path, you can get the corresponding handle and vice versa. To learn how, see Convert Between Handles and Paths.

Specify Model, Library, or Subsystem

Generally, to specify a model, library, or subsystem, you use a handle or filename. However, if the model, library, or subsystem is referenced by another model, library, or subsystem, depending on the action you want take, you might need to specify the reference block instead. For example, to take action on a subsystem that is referenced by a model, you might need to specify the subsystem, or you might need to specify the Subsystem Reference block that references the subsystem. First, determine which target object to specify. Then, determine how to specify that target object.

Determine Whether to Specify Reference Block

To take programmatic action using a function, read the function documentation and determine what type of target object you can specify in the input arguments. If the function can only act on models, libraries, subsystems, or a subset of these, or if the function can only act on blocks, you know what to specify. Otherwise, use the interactive approach to the workflow as a guide.

When you edit a model, library, or subsystem interactively, you can take some actions on the component by opening the component and interacting with the contents. To make the same edits programmatically, specify the component. You can take other actions by interacting with blocks that reference the component. To take the same actions programmatically, specify the block.

For example, suppose you have a subsystem that is saved to a subsystem file named mySubsystem. You also have a model named myModel containing a Subsystem Reference block named mySubsystemRefBlock that references the subsystem. To change the canvas color of the subsystem, use the set_param function. In the function input arguments, specify the subsystem.


To see the change in the model, you must update the model diagram. To programmatically update the diagram, use the set_param function. In the function input arguments, specify the model.


To treat the subsystem as atomic, use the set_param function. In the function input arguments, specify the Subsystem Reference block.


To get a list of the parameters that you can get and set programmatically when you specify a model, first, load the model by entering this command in the MATLAB Command Window. myModel is the model filename.


Then, enter this command.


To get a list of the parameters that you can get and set programmatically when you specify a block, load the model containing the block. Then, enter these commands. path is the block path.

param = get_param(path,"ObjectParameters");
param = fieldnames(param)

The list of parameters output by these commands does not include the mask parameters you can get and set on a masked block when you specify the block. To get a list of the mask parameters, enter these additional commands.

paramMaskStruct = get_param(path,"DialogParameters");
paramMask = fieldnames(paramMaskStruct)

If you determine that you need to specify a model, library, or subsystem, see the next section. If you determine that you need to specify a reference block, see Specify Block.

Specify Model, Library, Subsystem, or Current System

To programmatically specify a model, library, or subsystem, use a handle or filename. For example, to set the solver of a model named myModel with the handle h to ode45, use one of the commands in the Example column of the table.


To specify the current system, use the handle or filename of the current system. For the definition of the current system, see gcs. To get the model that contains the current system, use the bdroot function.

Get filename of current system.gcs
path = gcs
Get handle of current system.

gcs, get_param

h = get_param(gcs,"Handle")

If a file is not in the current folder or on the MATLAB search path, using the filename to specify the model, library, or subsystem the file contains is not supported. In this case, take one of these actions.

  • Specify the model, library, or subsystem using the file path ending with the filename, for example C:\Users\user1\Documents\myFolder\myModel.

  • Change directories to the folder containing the file using the cd function.

  • Add the file to the MATLAB search path using the addpath function.

  • Move the file into the current folder.

Get Model, Subsystem, or Library Handle

You can programmatically get the handle of a loaded model, library, or subsystem, you can get the handle of a model, library, or subsystem while taking certain actions, and you can get the handle of the harness model for a protected model.

To get the handle of a loaded model, library, or subsystem, use this command.

h = get_param("myModel","Handle")

The table shows how you can get the handle of a model, library, or subsystem while taking an action. Use the function documentation to select a syntax that outputs the model, library, or subsystem handle.

Create model, library, or subsystem.new_system
h = new_system("myModel")
Create model or project from template.Simulink.createFromTemplate
h = Simulink.createFromTemplate("myTemplate")
Load model, library, or subsystem.load_system
h = load_system("myModel")
Find model, subsystem, or library.find_system
h = find_system("myModel",FindAll="on")
Find loaded models and libraries.Simulink.allBlockDiagrams
h = Simulink.allBlockDiagrams("model")

To get the handles of multiple models, libraries, or subsystems at once using the load_system, get_param, new_system, or find_system function, specify the model filenames as one of these.

How to Specify Multiple Models, Libraries, or SubsystemsExample
Filenames specified as string array
models = ["myModel1";"myModel2";"myModel3"];
h = get_param(models,"Handle")
Filenames specified as cell array of character vectors
models = {'myModel1';'myModel2';'myModel3'};
h = get_param(models,"Handle")

To get the handle of the harness model for a protected model, use the Simulink.ModelReference.protect (Embedded Coder) function.

h = Simulink.ModelReference.protect("myModel",Harness=true)

Specify Block

To programmatically specify a block, use the block handle or path. For example, to get the gain value of a Gain block named myBlock in a model named myModel with the handle h, use one of the commands in the Example column of the table.

gain = get_param(h,"Gain")
gain = get_param("myModel/myBlock","Gain")

To specify the current block, use the handle, path, or Simulink.BlockPath object of the current block. For the definition of the current block, see gcb.

Get path.gcb
path = gcb
Get Simulink.BlockPath object.gcbp
pathObject = gcbp
Get handle.gcbh
h = gcbh

Get Block Path

The block path specifies the location of the block relative to the top level of the model. Generally, the path starts with the model name and ends with the block name, for example, myModel/mySubsystem/myBlock.

If the block is in a referenced model, the block path is the path from the top level of the referenced model to the block. To take inventory of blocks in referenced models, get the Simulink.BlockPath objects corresponding to the blocks . A Simulink.BlockPath object uniquely identifies a block within a model hierarchy, even when the model hierarchy references the same model multiple times. If you do not have a Simulink license, use a Simulink.SimulationData.BlockPath object instead.

To get the path of a Library Browser block:

  1. Open the quick insert menu by double-clicking the model canvas.

  2. Enter the block name.

  3. Use your arrow keys to select the block in the quick insert menu search results.

  4. On the details pane, click the name of the library that contains the block. The library opens. The block is highlighted in yellow.

  5. Select the block.

  6. Get the path of the current block using this command.



    To get the handle of the library block instead, use gcbh instead.

Quick insert menu with the word "derivative" in the search box, the Derivative block selected in the search results, and the pointer paused on the name of the Simulink library on the details pane

Get Block Handle

You can programmatically get a block handle from a block path, you can get a block handle while taking certain actions, and you can get the handle of the block that a specific port is on or to which a specific signal line connects.

To get a block handle from a block path and load the model with one command, use the getSimulinkBlockHandle function with this syntax. path is the block path, specified as a string or character vector.

h = getSimulinkBlockHandle(path,true)

To get the handle of a block in a loaded model, use this syntax.

h = getSimulinkBlockHandle(path)

To get the handles of multiple blocks at once using the getSimulinkBlockHandle function, specify the block paths as a cell array of character vectors.

paths = {'myModel/myBlock1';'myModel/myBlock2';'myModel/myBlock3'};
h = getSimulinkBlockHandle(paths)

The table shows how you can get the handle of a block while taking an action. Use the function documentation to select a syntax that outputs the block handle.

Add blocks.add_block
h = add_block("simulink/Sinks/Scope","myModel/myBlock")
Find blocks.find_system
h = find_system("myModel",FindAll="on",Type="block")
hModel = get_param("myModel","Handle");
h = Simulink.findBlocks(hModel)
h = Simulink.findBlocksOfType("myModel","Integrator")
Replace blocks.replace_block
path = replace_block("myModel","Scope","simulink/Sinks/To Workspace")
h = getSimulinkBlockHandle(path)

Connect blocks.

Connecting blocks in different levels of the model hierarchy can create new blocks, such as Inport blocks in a subsystem.


See Get Types, Handles, and Paths of Model Elements Created by Simulink.connectBlocks Function for details.

connection = simulink.connectBlocks(hSrcPort,hDstPort);
transits = connection.getTransits;

hFunc1 = @(t) transits(t).getType=="block";
hFunc2 = @(t) transits(t).getHandle;
i = 1:numel(transits);
isTypeBlock = arrayfun(hFunc1,i);
h = arrayfun(hFunc2,i);
h = h(isTypeBlock==1)

To get the handle and path of the block that a port is on, use these commands. hPort is the port handle. To get the handles and paths of the blocks for multiple ports at once, specify hPort as a vector of port handles.

path = get_param(hPort,"Parent")
h = getSimulinkBlockHandle(path)

To get the handles of the source and destination blocks of a signal line, use these commands. hLine is the line handle. If hLine represents the trunk of a branched signal line, the output is the destination blocks of all branches. If hLine represents one branch of a branched signal line, the output is the destination block of that branch. To get the handles of the source and destination blocks of multiple signal lines at once, specify hLine as a vector of line handles.

hSrc = get_param(hLine,"SrcBlockHandle")
hDst = get_param(hLine,"DstBlockHandle")

Specify Port

To programmatically specify ports, use the port handle or path. For example, suppose you have a model named myModel. To connect the single output port of an unconnected block named myBlock1 to the single input port of an unconnected block named myBlock2, use one of the commands in the Example column of the table. hSrcPort is the output port handle. hDstPort is the input port handle.


Get Port Path

The port path specifies the location of the port relative to the top level of the model. Generally, the path starts with the model name and ends with the port number, for example, myModel/myBlock/1.

To get the port number interactively, in the model, pause your pointer on the port. The port number appears in the canvas next to the port. To get the port number of a component block, such as a Subsystem or Model block, enter the component and pause your pointer on the block corresponding to the port, for example an In1 block. If you have a port handle, h, you can get the port number programmatically using this command.

portNum = get_param(h,"PortNumber")

There are some exceptions to the described path format.

One exception pertains to conditionally executed subsystems. The path that specifies the control input port on a conditionally executed subsystem starts with the model name and ends with the port name, for example, myModel/Triggered Subsystem/Trigger. The table lists the names of the control input ports for different types of conditionally executed subsystems.

Triggered Subsystem block with a callout labeling the control input port

Conditionally Executed SubsystemPort Name
Enabled and Triggered



If ActionIfaction
Switch Case ActionIfaction
Message PollingTrigger
Message TriggeredTrigger

Another exception pertains to buses. Suppose you want to query or edit the attribute value of a bus or bus element at a bus element port. For example, suppose you want to get or set the minimum value of a bus element at the point where the bus enters a subsystem. Use the get_param or set_param function. In the input arguments, specify the bus or bus element at the bus element port using a path.

If the In Bus Element or Out Bus Element block corresponding to the bus element port is at the top level of a model, start the path with the model filename. If the block is at the top level of a subsystem, start with the block path. To query or edit the attribute value of a bus, append a forward slash and the port name to the end of the path. To query or edit the attribute value of a bus element, append a forward slash and the bus element path. For a bus element port, the bus element path provides the hierarchy from the top-level bus to the target element, separating each name in the hierarchy with a dot. Specify the top-level bus using the port name.

For example, suppose you have a model named myModel. The model contains a Subsystem block named mySubsystem. The Subsystem block has a port named InBus. Inside the subsystem is an In Bus Element block named myBlock. The In Bus Element block selects the bus element named Step from the bus connected to the port named InBus. This path specifies the bus element named Step at the Subsystem block port named InBus.

path = "myModel/mySubsystem/myBlock/InBus.Step"

The subsystem named mySubsystem is shown with the content preview turned on. Inside the subsystem, an In Bus Element block named myBlock with the label InBus.Step connects to an Out Bus Element block named myBlock2 with the label OutBus.Step.

To programmatically get the name of the port on a In Bus Element or Out Bus Element block, use this command. block is the block handle or path.

portName = string(get_param(block,"PortName"));

To get the name of the bus element that an In Bus Element or Out Bus Element block selects, use this command.

elemName = string(get_param(block,"Element"));

To get the name of the port or selected bus element of multiple In Bus Element or Out Bus Element blocks at once, specify b as a vector of handles or as a set of paths in a string array or cell array of character vectors.

Get Port Handle

You can programmatically get the handles of the ports on a specific block or the ports to which a specific signal line connects.

To get all port handles of a block, use this command. b is the block handle or path.

h = get_param(block,"PortHandles")

To get the handles of the input and output ports of the block, enter these additional commands.

hIn = h.Inport
hOut = h.Outport

If the block represents a conditionally executed subsystem, to get the handles of the control input port, enter an additional command of this form. The command uses dot notation and the port name to extract the control input port handle from h. In this case, the port name is Trigger.

hCtrlPort = h.Trigger

To get all port handles of multiple blocks at once, specify the blocks as one of these.

How to Specify Multiple BlocksExample
Vector of handles
blocks = [h1;h2;h3];
h = get_param(blocks,"PortHandles")
Set of block paths specified as a string array
blocks = ["myModel/myBlock1";"myModel/myBlock2";"myModel/myBlock3"];
h = get_param(blocks, "PortHandles")
Set of block paths specified as a cell array of character vectors
blocks = {'myModel/myBlock1';'myModel/myBlock2';'myModel/myBlock3'};
h = get_param(blocks, "PortHandles")

The output is a cell array. Each cell contains a structure that stores the port handles of one block. To get all the port handles of a specific block from h, use this command, where i is the index of the block in h.

hBlockPorts = h{i}

To get the handles of all ports of a specific type stored in h, you can use the arrayfun function. For example, to get the handles of all output ports stored in h, use these commands. The first command specifies a function that takes the value t as input. The function gets all output ports stored in the structure with index t. The second command defines and populates the vector named i, which contains the indices of all the structures stored in h. The last command runs the function named hFunc for each index in the vector named i.

hFunc = @(t) h{t}.Outport;
i = 1:length(h);
hOutports = arrayfun(hFunc,i)

To get the handles of the source and destination ports of a signal line, use these commands. hLine is the line handle. To get the port handles of multiple signal lines at once, specify the signal lines as a vector of handles.

hSrc = get_param(hLine,"SrcPortHandle")
hDst = get_param(hLine,"DstPortHandle")

Specify Signal and Signal Line

To programmatically specify instance-specific properties of a signal or a discrete state, use the Simulink.Signal object. For example, use the Simulink.Signal object to specify the units or the maximum or minimum value of the signal.

To programmatically specify signal lines, use the line handles, or the handles or paths of the source and destination ports of the signal line. For example, to delete a signal line that connects the single output port of a block named myBlock1 to the single input port of a block named myBlock2 in a model named myModel, use one of the commands in the Example column of the table. hLine is the handle of the signal line, hSrcPort is the handle of the outport of myBlock1, and hDstPort is the handle of the input port of myBlock2.

Line handles
Port handles
Port paths

You can programmatically get the handle of a signal line while taking certain actions, you can get the handles of the signal lines connected to a specific block or port, you can get the handles of all lines with a signal line label you specify, and you can get the handle of the currently selected signal line.

The table shows how you can get the handle of a signal line while taking an action. Use the function documentation to select a syntax that outputs the line handle.

Add signal line.


See Get Types, Handles, and Paths of Model Elements Created by Simulink.connectBlocks Function for details.

connection = simulink.connectBlocks(hSrcPort,hDstPort);
transits = connection.getTransits;

hFunc1 = @(t) transits(t).getType=="line";
hFunc2 = @(t) transits(t).getHandle;
i = 1:numel(transits);
isTypeLine = arrayfun(hFunc1,i);
h = arrayfun(hFunc2,i);
h = h(isTypeLine==1)
h = add_line(hModel,hSrcPort,hDstPort)
Find signal line.find_system
h = find_system(hModel,FindAll="on",Type="line")

To get the handles of signal lines connected to a block, use this command. block is the block handle or path.

h = get_param(block,"LineHandles")

To get the line handles of multiple blocks at once, specify the blocks as one of these.

How to Specify Multiple BlocksExample
Vector of handles
blocks = [h1;h2;h3];
h = get_param(blocks,"LineHandles")
Set of block paths specified as a string array
blocks = ["myModel/myBlock1";"myModel/myBlock2";"myModel/myBlock3"];
h = get_param(blocks,"LineHandles")
Set of block paths specified as a cell array of character vectors
blocks = {'myModel/myBlock1';'myModel/myBlock2';'myModel/myBlock3'};
h = get_param(blocks,"LineHandles")

To get the handles of the signal line connected to a port, use this command. hPort is the port handle. To get the line handles of multiple ports at once, specify the ports as a vector of handles.

h = get_param(hPort,"Line")

To get all signal lines in the model with a signal line label you specify, use the find_system function. For example, to get all signal lines with the signal line label myLabel, use this command.

h = find_system(gcs,Findall="On",Type="Line",Name="myLabel")

To get the handle of the currently selected line, use this command.

h = find_system(gcs,SearchDepth=1,FindAll="on",...

Specify Annotation

To programmatically specify an annotation, use a handle or the name of the Simulink.Annotation object.

To get and set the values of annotation parameters, you can use the get_param and set_param functions and specify the annotation as a handle. Alternatively, you can specify the annotation using name of the Simulink.Annotation object and use dot notation. For example, to set the text of the Simulink.Annotation object named a with the handle h to New text, use one of the commands in the Example column of the table.

set_param(h,Text="New text")
Simulink.Annotation object
a.Text = "New text"

You can programmatically get the Simulink.Annotation object of a new annotation when you create the annotation , and you can get the Simulink.Annotation object and handle of existing annotations, the currently selected annotation, and the annotation from which a callback function was invoked.

To get the Simulink.Annotation object when you programmatically create an annotation, use the Simulink.Annotation function. For example, to create an annotation with the text My annotation text in a model named myModel and get the Simulink.Annotation object, use this command.

obj = Simulink.Annotation("myModel","My annotation text")

To get the handle of an annotation from the Simulink.Annotation object, run this command. a is the Simulink.Annotation object.

h = a.Handle

To get the handle of an existing annotation when you do not have the Simulink.Annotation object, programmatically search for the annotation using the find_system function. By default, the find_system function only searches for models and blocks. To include annotations in the search, set the value of the FindAll search criteria option to "on". For example, to find the annotations containing the text clutch in a model named myModel, use these commands.

find_system("myModel",Findall="on", Regexp="on",...
Type="Annotation", Name="clutch")

To get the Simulink.Annotation object from an annotation handle, use the get_param function.

obj = get_param(h,"Object")

To get the Simulink.Annotation object of the currently selected annotation, use the getCurrentAnnotation function. To get the Simulink.Annotation object of the annotation from which a callback function was invoked, use the getCallbackAnnotation function.

To create a new area annotation, specify the built-in area annotation as a string or character vector containing the text built-in/Area.

Convert Between Handles and Paths

When taking action programmatically, you might need to convert between handles and paths. For example, if you have a block path, but the input argument of the function you want to run must be a handle, you must get the block handle corresponding to the block path you have. The table shows how to make these conversions.

Have ThisConvert To ThisSyntax
Model handleModel filename
name = get_param(h,"Name")

To get the handles of multiple models at once, specify the models as an array of handles.

Model filenameModel handle

If the model is not loaded, use this command.

h = load_system("myModel")

If the model is loaded, use this command.

h = get_param("myModel","Handle")

To get the handles of multiple models at once, specify the model filenames as a string array or a cell array of character vectors.

Block handleBlock path
path = getfullname(h)

To get the paths of multiple blocks at once, specify the blocks as a vector of handles.

Block pathBlock handle
h = getSimulinkBlockHandle(path)

To get the handles of multiple blocks at once, specify the block path as a cell array of character vectors.

Port handlePort path that ends with port number
path = get_param(hPort,"Parent")+"/"+get_param(hPort,"PortNumber")

To get the paths of multiple ports at once, specify the ports as a vector of handles.

Port path that ends with port numberPort handle
splitPath = string(split(path,"/"));
portNum = str2num(splitPath(end));
blockPath = erase(path,"/"+portNum);
h = find_system(blockPath,Findall="on",Type="Port",PortNumber=portNum)

If multiple ports in your model have the same port path, h is a vector of handle values. To get the port type of the handle stored in h at index i, use this command.

Simulink.Annotation objectAnnotation handle
h = a.Handle
Annotation handleSimulink.Annotation object
obj = get_param(h,"Object")

Get Handle of Attached Block, Attached Ports, and Connected Signal Lines

If you have a block handle, using the get_param function, you can get the handles of the block ports and the handles of the signal lines connected to the block, and vice versa. The table shows how to use the handle of one of these target objects to get the handle of another. In the syntaxes listed in the table, block is the block handle or path, hPort is the port handle, and hLine is the line handle.

To run the commands on multiple ports or signal lines at once, specify these target objects as a vector of handles. To run the commands on multiple blocks at once, specify the blocks as a vector of handles or as a set of paths in a string array or cell array of character vectors.

Use Handle of This ObjectGet Handle of This ObjectSyntax
BlockPorts of specified block
h = get_param(block,"PortHandles")
Signal lines connected to specified block
h = get_param(block,"LineHandles")
PortBlock to which specified port is attached
path = get_param(hPort,"Parent");
h = getSimulinkBlockHandle(path)
Signal lines connected to specified port
h = get_param(hPort,"Line")
Signal lineSource block of specified signal line
h = get_param(hLine,"SrcBlockHandle")
Destination blocks of specified signal line
h = get_param(hLine,"DstBlockHandle")
Source port of specified signal line
h = get_param(hLine,"SrcPortHandle")
Destination ports of specified signal line
h = get_param(hLine,"DstPortHandle")

See Also

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