How can I get the image plane of a rendered 3D mesh?

1 view (last 30 days)
I need to get the pixel value of a specific (x,y) 2D coordinate after rendering a 3D mesh into the image plane/ axes plot box.
I'm using the trimesh function to create the mesh based on the vertices and the faces and rendering using opengl and a perspective projection by setting the axis as
set(gca, ...
'DataAspectRatio', [ 1 1 1 ], ...
'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [ 1 1 1 ], ...
'Units', 'pixels', ...
'Position', [ 0 0 width height ], ... 'Projection', 'perspective');
and using
Is there another way instead of calculating the perspective projection and all the matrices multiplications inside the my code?

Accepted Answer

George Abrahams
George Abrahams on 23 Jan 2024
The most literal answer to your question is getframe. For example:
surf( peaks )
% Convert the plot to an image.
F = getframe;
% Show the image and the colour value of a sample point.
imshow( F.cdata )
center = ceil( size( F.cdata, 1:2 ) / 2 );
text( center(2), center(1), ...
"(" + strjoin( string( F.cdata(center(1),center(2),:) ), "," ) + ")", ...
"BackgroundColor", "w" )
Without more information, however, it's impossible to know if this meets your requirements.

More Answers (1)

George Abrahams
George Abrahams on 10 Feb 2024
Me again. The alternative is to, like you said, render it yourself with perspective projection etc. This will give you full control over the camera, for example, so that you can set the image resolution, limit what's rendered according to field-of-view, and have no other graphic elements on the screen, such as the axes.
Thankfully people have already released code for this so you wouldn't be going from scratch. One option is my 3D Rendering Toolbox, but a few other options also exist on File Exchange.

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