Rotate image parallel to the x-axis

3 views (last 30 days)
wisam kh
wisam kh on 11 Sep 2018
Commented: wisam kh on 14 Sep 2018
If I select two points in the picture, and then I extracted the angle between this two points, (note between them line to clarify) Like this picture:
Can I rotate the image so that the path between these two points is parallel to the x-axis, as in the following picture?
I mean if I have two points in a gray or binary image, I want to rotate this image so that the path between the two points is parallel to the X axis.
thank you
wisam kh
wisam kh on 13 Sep 2018
Sorry if my question is unclear.
I mean if I have two points in a gray or binary image, I want to rotate this image so that the path between the two points is parallel to the X axis.
dpb on 13 Sep 2018
It's not the Q? that's unclear, I was pointing out you must define which direction the angle is defined from and ensure you do the rotation to negate the angle as opposed to adding to it...
As others said, your description of what is not as expected is not useful

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Accepted Answer

Amir Xz
Amir Xz on 13 Sep 2018
A = [50 70]; %[x y] & x,y: pixel number
B = [100 30]; %[x y]
% find point2 (point with larger x)
if A(1)>B(1)
P2 = A; P1 = B;
P2 = B; P1 = A;
% clockwise OR counterclockwise
if P2(2)<P1(2)
w=-1; % clockwise
w=+1; % counterclockwise
angle = w*atan(abs(P2(2)-P1(2))/(P2(1)-P1(1)))*180/pi; % deg
ImgRot = imrotate(Img,angle);

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