Problem 2493. Must be in the front row...
You are given a matrix followed by a single number. Your object is to write a script that will shift the matrix around so that the number you are given is in the (1,1) position of the matrix. For example, if you start with the magic(4) matrix:
16 2 3 13 5 11 10 8 9 7 6 12 4 14 15 1
and the number 6, your output should be:
6 12 9 7 15 1 4 14 3 13 16 2 10 8 5 11
If there is more than one instance of the number, use the one in the leftmost column. If there is more than one in that column, use the one in the uppermost row. If your input is a modified magic(4)
16 2 3 13 6 11 10 8 9 7 6 12 6 14 15 1
and you need to put 6 in the upper left corner, your output should be:
6 11 10 8 9 7 6 12 6 14 15 1 16 2 3 13
If the input number isn't in the matrix, return the original matrix. Good luck!
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This problem is exactly the same as the next one, "Go to the head of the class!"
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