


Model, simulate, and analyze biological systems

SimBiology Model Builder displays a plasma model in the central “Diagram” window. On the left is the “Browser” panel and on the right is the “Property Editor.”

Build QSP, PBPK, and PK/PD Models

Build models just as you would draw them on a piece of paper in SimBiology Model Builder or import existing SBML models. Use dose and variant objects to apply dosing strategies (10:00) and store alternative quantity values.

SimBiology Model Analyzer displays a plot of tumor weight over time. On the left is the “Browser” panel displaying project details and on the right is the “Property Editor,” where the user has selected the responses to display.

Simulate Model Behavior

Simulate with a variety of deterministic and stochastic solvers using SimBiology Model Analyzer or programmatic tools. Automatic unit conversion brings all quantities into a consistent unit system. Generate reports from analyses.

A 4-by-1 plot displaying the 95% confidence interval for four different parameter estimates.

Fit Data to Estimate Parameters

Estimate parameters using nonlinear regression with local, global, or hybrid methods. Calculate parameter and prediction confidence intervals. Account for both fixed and random effects with NLME modeling.

Perform Monte Carlo Simulations

Perform parameter scans and Monte Carlo simulations to assess model behavior under different conditions and dosing regimens. Use interactive sliders to explore how quantity variation impacts model response.

Global and Local Sensitivity Analysis

Explore the effects of variations in model quantities on model response by performing sensitivity analysis. SimBiology supports global, Monte Carlo, and local, derivative-based analyses.

Two figures, A and B, displaying concentration-time data. Figure A shows the data in a linear scale and illustrates how the AUC from time zero to infinity is calculated. Figure B shows the same data in a semilogarithmic scale.

Noncompartmental Analysis

Compute PK parameters from the time course of drug concentrations without assuming a compartmental model. Perform NCA on both experimental and simulation data for single or multiple dosing schemes.

Accelerate Simulations

Accelerate large models or Monte Carlo simulations by converting to compiled C code. Further improve performance by distributing across multiple cores, clusters, or cloud resources with Parallel Computing Toolbox.

Share Models as Web Apps

Create apps in App Designer, package them with MATLAB Compiler, and host them using MATLAB Web App Server. Collaborators can access and run apps in a browser without installing any software.

The Model Debugger community tool for SimBiology.

Community Tools

Use SimBiology programmatically with MATLAB scripts to customize and automate analyses. Community-contributed tools can be used as add-ons for model analysis, such as virtual population simulations.

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