Hello. This is John. And today, we're going to be taking a look at creating roundabouts in RoadRunner. To get started, I'm going to create a road style that we'll use to define the inner part of this roundabout.
To do this, I'll create a short road by right-clicking, right-clicking to define a simple basic road. Next, I'm going to go into the lane tool, left-click on this road, left-click on these lanes and press Delete to remove them.
Next, I'm going to click on this lane and switch it from backward driving to forward. Finally, I'm going to scroll up to my markings folder and drag out a dashed single marking to replace the solid yellow markings.
Next, I'm going to switch over to the cross-section tool, click on this road, go over to my road styles folder, click on this end piece, and hit create road style. Going to name this roundabout. Great.
I'm going to switch back over to the road plan tool, left-click on this road, and press Delete to remove it since we no longer need it. I'm going to hit five on my num pad to go back into top view and zoom out a bit.
Next, I'm going to go into the road circle tool and right-click and drag to define a roundabout. In my case, I'm going to make one about 20 meters in radius. Great. Now, I'm going to deselect my road style to just use the default again and switch back over to the road plan tool.
I'm going to define a approach road here. And for this example, I'm just going to create one approach for all other approaches to the roundabout. It'll be using the same technique.
Then I'm going to switch over to the slip road tool. Mouse over the end, you'll see how it snaps there. And right-click and drag to be approximately where I want the, in this case, exit point to be. And I'll do the same for this side. Great.
Last steps will be, in my case, to clean up this island a little bit. First things first, I'm going to go into the lane marking tool, click on this road and remove this marking. Click on this corner, remove that one. Great.
I'm now going to switch into the lane add tool and select curb, select this road, add a curb there, select this road, add a curb there. And I'll select the corner and add a corner there.
To finish off this island, I'm just going to adjust the corner radius of this and make it a little bit tighter to better define the shape of this island. And that's the basic approach for making roundabouts in RoadRunner. Thank you for watching.