Problem 44496. vector indexes for a matrix

Matlab allows us to use several indexing styles making code simpler and easier to read than using loops.

Vectors can have vector subscripts

V = [2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
idx = [1 3 5];
ans =
   2     4     6

In case of matrices, it allows us to use linear indexing.

M = [2 5 8;
     3 6 9; 
     4 7 10];
idx = [1 3 5];
ans =
   2     4     6

Given a Matrix M, row and column vectors P,Q, output the elements corresponding to the row and column vectors. Try avoiding the use of loops.

For example (tl;dr)

M = [2 5 8;
     3 6 9; 
     4 7 10];
P = [1 1 2]; Q = [1 3 2];
ans =
   2     4     6

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70.59% Correct | 29.41% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jun 25, 2024

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