Toolbox for thermodynamic calculations and thermodynamic systems simulations in MATLAB and Simulink
- Tools based on the fundamental principles of engineering thermodynamics
- Thermodynamic state and state change calculations, including real gas modelling
- Component blocks include heat exchangers, reactors, pumps, turbines, valves, tanks, and more
- Equilibrium and reaction chemistry
- Customizable and extendable thermophysical database and IAPWS-IF97 water and steam properties
- MATLAB command-line functions for thermodynamic calculations and plots
Thermolib is used to model and simulate thermodynamic systems across various industries. This toolbox provides a Simulink® blockset for system simulations and a set of MATLAB® command-line functions for thermodynamic calculations.
Thermolib's thermodynamic and thermo-chemical blocks integrate seamlessly into the MATLAB and Simulink environment. Fundamental thermodynamic building blocks facilitate the design of user-defined components. The thermo-physical database, derived from the JANAF tables, includes a multitude of commonly used species (fuels, combustion products, refrigerants, working fluids, and more) and can be easily extended by the user. Species data can also be imported from the NIST Refprop database.
Thermolib can easily model modern energy systems like fuel cells, electrolyzers, and heat pump systems. The library also contains ready-made blocks for PEMFC, SOFC, and DMFC fuel cells. The modelling of thermo-management systems is straightforward: It covers electric vehicles, batteries, and HVAC systems in stationary and mobile applications like cars, planes, and railway applications.
Thermolib can calculate real gas behaviour based on the Peng-Robinson EOS. This approach provides good accuracy near the critical point and near condensation. For even more detailed calculations involving water and steam, the IAPWS-IF97 formulation of thermodynamic properties is available.
Users can draw on an extensive set of demos covering fuel cells, electrolysis systems, heat pumps and refrigeration cycles, solar thermal plants, combustion processes, gas turbines, battery thermal management and other essential BoP components to build their digital twin. Thermolib is compatible with Simulink Coder® for automatic code generation.
EUtech Scientific Engineering GmbH
Nerscheider Wer 170
52076 Aachen
Tel: +49-2408-71342-0
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Product Type
- Data Analysis Tools
- Modeling and Simulation Tools
- Control Systems
- Process Control and Monitoring
- Real-Time Systems
- System Modeling and Simulation
- Thermodynamics
- Automotive
- Biotech and Pharmaceutical
- Industrial Automation and Machinery
- Utilities and Energy